Vilde and others....Narcs and Sex

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#1 Apr 12 - 11AM
Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Vilde and others....Narcs and Sex

Narcissists, Sex and Fidelity
The Somatic and the Cerebral Narcissist
By: Sam Vaknin


Are narcissists mostly hyperactive or hypoactive sexually and to what extent are they likely to be unfaithful in marriage?


Broadly speaking, there are two types of narcissists, loosely corresponding to the two categories mentioned in the question: the somatic narcissist and the cerebral narcissist.

Narcissists are misogynists. They hold women in contempt, they loathe and fear them. They seek to torment and frustrate them (either by debasing them sexually - or by withholding sex from them). They harbor ambiguous feelings towards the sexual act.

The somatic narcissist uses sex to "conquer" and "secure" new sources of narcissistic supply. Consequently, the somatic rarely gets emotionally-involved with his "targets". His is a mechanical act, devoid of intimacy and commitment. The cerebral narcissist feels that sex is demeaning and degrading. Acting on one's sex drive is a primitive, basic, and common impulse. The cerebral narcissist convinces himself that he is above all that, endowed as he is with superior intelligence and superhuman self-control.

Still, sex for both types of narcissists is an instrument designed to increase the number of Sources of Narcissistic Supply. If it happens to be the most efficient weapon in the narcissist's arsenal, he makes profligate use of it. In other words: if the narcissist cannot obtain adoration, admiration, approval, applause, or any other kind of attention by other means (e.g., intellectually) – he resorts to sex.

He then become a satyr (or a nymphomaniac): indiscriminately engages in sex with multiple partners. His sex partners are considered by him to be objects - sources of Narcissistic Supply. It is through the processes of successful seduction and sexual conquest that the narcissist derives his badly needed narcissistic "fix".

The narcissist is likely to perfect his techniques of courting and regard his sexual exploits as a form of art. He usually exposes this side of him – in great detail – to others, to an audience, expecting to win their approval and admiration. Because the Narcissistic Supply in his case is in the very act of conquest and (what he perceives to be) subordination – the narcissist is forced to hop from one partner to another.

Some narcissists prefer "complicated" situations. If men – they prefer virgins, married women, frigid or lesbian women, etc. The more "difficult" the target – the more rewarding the narcissistic outcome. Such a narcissist may be married, but he does not regard his extra-marital affairs as either immoral or a breach of any explicit or implicit contract between him and his spouse.

He keeps explaining to anyone who cares to listen that his other sexual partners are nothing to him, meaningless, that he is merely taking advantage of them and that they do not constitute a threat and should not be taken seriously by his spouse. In his mind a clear separation exists between the honest "woman of his life" (really, a saint) and the whores that he is having sex with.

With the exception of the meaningful women in his life, he tends to view all females in a bad light. His behaviour, thus, achieves a dual purpose: securing Narcissistic Supply, on the one hand – and re-enacting old, unresolved conflicts and traumas (abandonment by Primary Objects and the Oedipal conflict, for instance).

When inevitably abandoned by his spouse – the narcissist is veritably shocked and hurt. This is the sort of crisis, which might drive him to psychotherapy. Still, deep inside, he feels compelled to continue to pursue precisely the same path. His abandonment is cathartic, purifying. Following a period of deep depression and suicidal ideation – the narcissist is likely to feel cleansed, invigorated, unshackled, ready for the next round of hunting.

But there is another type of narcissist. He also has bouts of sexual hyperactivity in which he trades sexual partners and tends to regard them as objects. However, with him, this is a secondary behaviour. It appears mainly after major narcissistic traumas and crises.

A painful divorce, a devastating personal financial upheaval – and this type of narcissist adopts the view that the "old" (intellectual) solutions do not work anymore. He frantically gropes and searches for new ways to attract attention, to restore his False Ego (=his grandiosity) and to secure a subsistence level of Narcissistic Supply.

Sex is handy and is a great source of the right kind of supply: it is immediate, sexual partners are interchangeable, the solution is comprehensive (it encompasses all the aspects of the narcissist's being), natural, highly charged, adventurous, and pleasurable. Thus, following a life crisis, the cerebral narcissist is likely to be deeply involved in sexual activities – very frequently and almost to the exclusion of all other matters.

However, as the memories of the crisis fade, as the narcissistic wounds heal, as the Narcissistic Cycle re-commences and the balance is restored – this second type of narcissist reveals his true colours. He abruptly loses interest in sex and in all his sexual partners. The frequency of his sexual activities deteriorates from a few times a day – to a few times a year. He reverts to intellectual pursuits, sports, politics, voluntary activities – anything but sex.

This kind of narcissist is afraid of encounters with the opposite sex and is even more afraid of emotional involvement or commitment that he fancies himself prone to develop following a sexual encounter. In general, such a narcissist withdraws not only sexually – but also emotionally. If married – he loses all overt interest in his spouse, sexual or otherwise. He confines himself to his world and makes sure that he is sufficiently busy to preclude any interaction with his nearest (and supposedly dearest).

He becomes completely immersed in "big projects", lifelong plans, a vision, or a cause – all very rewarding narcissistically and all very demanding and time consuming. In such circumstances, sex inevitably becomes an obligation, a necessity, or a maintenance chore reluctantly undertaken to preserve his sources of supply (his family or household).

The cerebral narcissist does not enjoy sex and by far prefers masturbation or "objective", emotionless sex, like going to prostitutes. Actually, he uses his mate or spouse as an "alibi", a shield against the attentions of other women, an insurance policy which preserves his virile image while making it socially and morally commendable for him to avoid any intimate or sexual contact with others.

Ostentatiously ignoring women other than his wife (a form of aggression) he feels righteous in saying: "I am a faithful husband". At the same time, he feels hostility towards his spouse for ostensibly preventing him from freely expressing his sexuality, for isolating him from carnal pleasures.

The narcissist's thwarted logic goes something like this: "I am married/attached to this woman. Therefore, I am not allowed to be in any form of contact with other women which might be interpreted as more than casual or businesslike. This is why I refrain from having anything to do with women – because I am being faithful, as opposed to most other immoral men.

However, I do not like this situation. I envy my free peers. They can have as much sex and romance as they want to – while I am confined to this marriage, chained by my wife, my freedom curbed. I am angry at her and I will punish her by abstaining from having sex with her."

Thus frustrated, the narcissist minimises all manner of intercourse with his close circle (spouse, children, parents, siblings, very intimate friends): sexual, verbal, or emotional. He limits himself to the rawest exchanges of information and isolates himself socially.

His reclusion insures against a future hurt and avoids the intimacy that he so dreads. But, again, this way he also secures abandonment and the replay of old, unresolved, conflicts. Finally, he really is left alone by everyone, with no Secondary Sources of Supply.

In his quest to find new sources, he again embarks on ego-mending bouts of sex, followed by the selection of a spouse or a mate (a Secondary Narcissistic Supply Source). Then the cycle re-commence: a sharp drop in sexual activity, emotional absence and cruel detachment leading to abandonment.

The second type of narcissist is mostly sexually loyal to his spouse. He alternates between what appears to be hyper-sexuality and asexuality (really, forcefully repressed sexuality). In the second phase, he feels no sexual urges, bar the most basic. He is, therefore, not compelled to "cheat" upon his mate, betray her, or violate the marital vows. He is much more interested in preventing a worrisome dwindling of the kind of Narcissistic Supply that really matters. Sex, he says to himself, contentedly, is for those who can do no better.

Somatic narcissists tend to verbal exhibitionism. They tend to brag in graphic details about their conquests and exploits. In extreme cases, they might introduce "live witnesses" and revert to total, classical exhibitionism. This sits well with their tendency to "objectify" their sexual partners, to engage in emotionally-neutral sex (group sex, for instance) and to indulge in autoerotic sex.

The exhibitionist sees himself reflected in the eyes of the beholders. This constitutes the main sexual stimulus, this is what turns him on. This outside "look" is also what defines the narcissist. There is bound to be a connection. One (the exhibitionist) may be the culmination, the "pure case" of the other (the narcissist).

Narcissists cheat on their spouses, commit adultery and have extramarital affairs and liaisons for a variety of reasons which reflect disparate psychodynamic processes:

1. In the quest for narcissistic supply, the somatic narcissist resorts to serial sexual conquests.

2. Narcissists are easily bored (they have a low boredom threshold) and they have a low tolerance for boredom. Sexual dalliances alleviate this nagging and frustrating ennui.

3. Narcissists maintain an island and focus of stability in their life, but all the other dimensions of their existence are chaotic, unstable, and unpredictable. This "twister" formation serves many emotional needs which I expound upon elsewhere. Thus, a narcissist may be a model employee and pursue a career path over decades even as he cheats on his wife and fritters their savings away.

4. Narcissists feel superior and important and so entitled to be above the law and to engage in behaviors that are frowned upon and considered socially unacceptable in others. They reject and vehemently resent all limitations and conditions placed upon them by their partners. They act on their impulses and desires unencumbered by social conventions and strictures.

5. Marriage, monogamy, and child-bearing and rearing are common activities that characterize the average person. The narcissist feels robbed of his uniqueness by these pursuits and coerced into the relationship and into roles - such as a husband and a father - that reduce him to the lowest of common denominators. This narcissistic injury leads him to rebel and reassert his superiority and specialness by maintaining extramarital affairs.

6. Narcissists are control freaks. Having a relationship implies a give-and-take and a train of compromises which the narcissist acutely interprets to mean a loss of control over his life. To reassert control, the narcissist initiates other relationships in which he dictates the terms of engagement (love affairs).

7. Narcissists are terrified of intimacy. Their behavior is best characterized as an approach-avoidance repetition complex. Adultery is an excellent tool in the attempt to retard intimacy and resort to a less threatening mode of interaction.

Sin of self-love possesseth all mine eye
And all my soul and all my every part;
And for this sin there is no remedy,
It is so grounded inward in my heart.
Methinks no face so gracious is as mine,
No shape so true, no truth of such account;
And for myself mine own worth do define,
As I all other in all worths surmount.
But when my glass shows me myself indeed,
Beated and chopp'd with tann'd antiquity,
Mine own self-love quite contrary I read;
Self so self-loving were iniquity.
'Tis thee, myself, that for myself I praise,
Painting my age with beauty of thy days.

(Sonnet 62, William Shakespeare)

Jul 29 - 10PM
rosedewittbukater's picture

Sam V - Good God

the self admitted N nails it on the head once again. God this was so hard to read it nearly brought me to tears (again) but so so telling and all too familiar. Let me tell you this - as sure as I live and breathe there are women out there who view other women this way!!! Thank you for posting.
Jul 29 - 10AM
Susan32's picture

The Virgin Birth

Interesting that during the final D&D, the ex-Psych prof was teaching a class on Shakespeare's Sonnets... and one of them is all about malignant narcissism. For some reason it is easy to imagine him intoning "this sin there is no remedy, it is so grounded inward in my heart." The ex-P was a cerebral Narc. He'd tell me that if we married, we'd have sex for the sake of childbearing... but that he preferred masturbation. Now, one has to realize that as a Catholic, the concept of married couples renouncing sex to please God is a common one (it is taught that the Virgin Mary&St. Joseph practiced abstinence within marriage, that it was never consummated)... and the ex-P took advantage of that. He saw sex as low, common, dirty. He'd talk about how we'd have a sexless marriage because we'd be so dedicated to God. Still, the ex-P had an "ewww,gross" attitude towards sex. He'd say sex was bad because it makes more sufferers... so I joked if he was the result of a virgin birth. It didn't go over well. He wanted me to view him as some idealized,asexual being. That's why he wouldn't acknowledge his new roles as husband&father... because it would make him like someone else. When I broke NC a decade ago to congratulate him on being married&becoming a father, I got ZERO response. The silent treatment.
Apr 14 - 11AM
Qing Yuan
Qing Yuan's picture

I am confined to this marriage! Mundane and average!

I read the words in your post quoted below- "quoted" "However, I do not like this situation. I envy my free peers. They can have as much sex and romance as they want to – while I am confined to this marriage, chained by my wife, my freedom curbed. I am angry at her and I will punish her by abstaining from having sex with her. " Marriage, monogamy, and child-bearing and rearing are common activities that characterize the average person. The narcissist feels robbed of his uniqueness by these pursuits and coerced into the relationship and into roles - such as a husband and a father - that reduce him to the lowest of common denominators. This narcissistic injury leads him to rebel and reassert his superiority and specialness by maintaining extramarital affairs. I didn't rightly understand the NPD's need to assert his individuality on this level before! I thought (stupidly) that we had a deep underlying connection but reading these words made me realise when were dealing with people with NPD, we are dealing with someone who has NO CONNECTIONS to anything or anyone! They are only having a a very one dimensional relationship with themselves! The kindness and support they give to their children or friends is fickle and fast moving! It can be so much and so much nothing in a space of minutes or years! I have had my fair share of narcissist! (I'm on the bus as I drive past I see one of them) they want sexual overt partners! Woe betide you if you become a picture of the mundane to him! Should you not have time to shave your legs or be sitting with baby puke on your shoulder, or maybe you will get a chronic ilness or gain ten/twenty pounds!?? But if your dealing with an NPD then you can be sure he will look at you either with distain or disgust or he will see you as pure and virginal and beyond his needs and desires! Once you cross the bondary in his eyes you cross over into the world of neglect. Of the devalued! Even if my like narc husband he tells you he respects you and love you still, he DEVALUES you! " he basically says "You are not the woman I want! You cannot and do not posses the qualities I long for for in a woman, I must go elsewhere because it's too late for you" AND TRY AS YOU MIGHT! it's beyond repair! Once you 'cross over' in his eyes, no amount of love, devotion, attention, even grovelling can restore it! He has taken you off the pedestal and set you among the lower vibrational energies of the BUG LIFE!!! NOT ALL PEOPLE ARE SO SHALLOW OR SHORT SIGHTED!!!
Apr 14 - 11AM (Reply to #7)
Qing Yuan
Qing Yuan's picture

One other thing!!

I am a keen enquiring mind! I'm academically educated with 2 1st degrees and a masters! I work in a professional occupation and am dynamic enthusiastic person with a great dealto offer to any relationship! How dare he devalue me! I can bet that we all feel this way! We have so much to bring to a healthy relationship! I say we keep thriving in our relationships with self and recognise these heartless shallow excuses for real people for what they are! Rise up like a phoenix and recognise a fact! No matter how much work you do to try to get them to see your deep and just worth! It will never be enough! They are riddled with emptyness! Each time they pursue the ideals they think they should have they are leaving behind and releasing great beings! The greater you are and happier you are in yourself the more your light frightens them! They devalue you because you see throughout them! They only chase you while you are fooled and hoodwinked! When the gaff is up they look for someone else to dazzle dazzle with there dreams and ideals!!! Good luck! You are also valuable in Gods world! Xx
Apr 14 - 12PM (Reply to #8)
michele115 (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Qing Yuan

Thank you for sharing such empowering words. WE really need to embrace and own what you've shared with us today. I hope you too are doing well with your recovery and are very close if not owning this yourself. Hugs!
Apr 13 - 10AM
momoya's picture

Great ARticle

This is a great article I read it early on but it is always good to read it again, and again. When we forget, start blaming ourselves, it's time for a reminder! thanks


Apr 13 - 10AM (Reply to #5)
michele115 (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


The pleasure is mine... Hope you're having a good day and that the situation you shared the other day on the board has not shaken you too much. Hugs...
Apr 12 - 2PM
dudette's picture


I will never be sure... I think he kept navigating between one and the other.... We were together for 2 years and I met both his children during that time and we did things together with my kids, like a family type stuff.... There are things that he still does with his kids or for his kids that are a direct impact from me. His ex wife told me. And that he had said he really regretted hurting me, that he was really sorry etc....that he had wanted to keep the baby that I was carrying (although he had no means to support it of course) At the same time, we used to have this incredibly exciting sex life. Like really really good.Like the puzzle thing that was mentioned in another post....He used to say that I was perfect. The "right balance of submissive and defiant".....I used to empower him a lot... I was the one at the beginning who wanted to keep it casual. He was the one who asked me for committment..... Mindfucking really... god knows. He was at a point where he needed a stable point, a new official OW that he could marry and cheat on with a number of whores. I could have been either... too bad that I dumped him at the first sign of silent treatment....for him that is....
Jul 29 - 9AM (Reply to #3)
Independent's picture

My soon to be exNarc went

My soon to be exNarc went through every stage of those symptoms. I think that we should be careful about trying to define what Narc our N is. Mr. Ind went through every phase. Early on he could not get enough of me, and it was constant. As I look back over our relationship there was always a Madonna and a Whore for him. When we first met he was still in love with someone he grew up with. She was his perfection, his idea. I was in his bed. At one point he had an opportunity to go with her, but he stayed with me instead. I took him back after he told me he almost slept with this woman (now I don't know if I believe him or not). But in that moment I became the Madonna. As I examine the last 12 years, the only times when we had an active sex life was when he had a Madonna to idealize. There was a period where there was no Madonna, so I filled that role for him. And the sex was mechanical and uninspired. It was the same amount of time, same moves, same everything every time. When he had a whore to chase after, and I was the Madonna I was rarely able to get any physical or emotional affection from him. When he had a Madonna to idealize then he was interested but it was often degrading and manipulative. My exNarc did not have one routine, or class of Narc he could be categorized in. He did every single behavior listed in the original post. And now as I examine the last 12 years I think I am going to go bath in disinfectant for about 12 hours.
Apr 12 - 2PM
deecbee's picture

He keeps explaining to anyone

He keeps explaining to anyone who cares to listen that his other sexual partners are nothing to him, meaningless, that he is merely taking advantage of them and that they do not constitute a threat and should not be taken seriously by his spouse. In his mind a clear separation exists between the honest "woman of his life" (really, a saint) and the whores that he is having sex with. This made my stomach lurch. My XN just stopped talking to me one day out of the blue. No break up, he just started ignoring me literally overnight. He had been "hanging out with classmates" frequently just prior to the D&D so I KNEW he was up to something. I called him out on it and he actually admitted "hooking up daily" with a girl in his class. He explained it all in an email and it was so odd and emotionless the way he told me. He didn't even apologize, he RATIONALIZED it and said he was just "wasting time" with her, he knows nothing about her and doesn't want to, but he has needs and said "life is all about experiences." Motherf*cker. It never occurred to him to apologize. Out of all the red flags that I had gotten from him, that was the ONE THING that broke the camel's back. I knew at that point I was dealing with a hopelessly depraved individual. He was always very black and white with sex. He'd go through periods of high morality where he dismissed sex as unnecessary and dirty, and thought he was above everyone else for not having those "primitive urges", he called them. At the same time, in hindsight I now know he had snuck off to Mexico for about 6 weekends in a row to have sex with prostitutes and purchase steroids/prescription drugs/go on a drug binge. Sicko. I hinted that I knew what he was doing and he flipped out and ignored me for days. (Me thinks thou protest too much...). He admitted to having lost interest in sex at the end of every one of his previous relationships, which resulted in most of his ex's thinking he was actually gay. I'm beginning to suspect he saw me as a "sex thing" more than long-term partner material (even though it was on/off for 12 years). Of course he used the promise of marriage and kids to reel me in, but I think my only purpose to him was sex. He was highly sexual with me, but at the same time would insult me sexually. He'd hint (for NO reason) that I was dirty. He saw a picture of an ex on Facebook, an ex who happens to be a very successful artist and probably made him feel insecure, and he kept making comments about his concern that I have an STD, specifically AIDS!!!! I thought he was joking at first, but he kept mentioning it, and then hinting that my sexual past was something I should be ashamed of. I had come down with pneumonia and was sick for weeks. Instead of sympathizing or trying to be helpful, he said "If I had a patient come into my office with symptoms of pneumonia, weakness and weight loss, I would have to check them for AIDS first." That was one of the first times I really stood up for myself and let him know the comments about me being "dirty" were not going to be tolerated. I've never in my life had an STD, now I wonder if HE had one and was projecting. OMG I need to get tested. He responded, "Dirty is as dirty does" and then the next day sent me a Youtube video, supposedly as an apology... it was a guy talking about his wife who had died of AIDS and while the video itself was heartfelt, sad and romantic, I knew he was just trying to elicit another reaction from me. I mean, of all the videos in the world to supposedly say he feels strongly for me, he'd use one on a topic that I had just blown up about a day earlier? Right. It was so bizarre!!! There were also periods of time where he couldn't get enough sex, and he was open about it. He had S&M fantasies, would request really vulgar things, send me dirty text messages all day, beg me for explicit pictures so he could get off on them all day, asked me to do disgusting things in bed. Sorry if I'm divulging too much.