inshock's story

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#1 Jan 26 - 8AM
inshock's picture

inshock's story

I am in a 25 year marriage, yes my husband is very different, very controlling, very successful, and I have been hurt by him since day one. I love him very much. Why do I feel frozen, why do I doubt myself? My therapist tell me I am the one who has to decide, why can't I? I was a hairstylist, a single mother barley surviving and I just happened to book an appointment one day, and this is how it all started. This good looking, older (12 yrs) impatient guy came in for a hair cut, steel blue eyes, that seemed to look straight through me, like he could see everything. He was very stern told me how not to put any products on his hair, ask me too many questions that I stupidly answered.He left, no tip, no courtesy, and squealed his tires out of the parking lot. Two hours later he called the owner of the salon and asked him if "I had any sense?"

After about 6 months of his persistance I finally went out with him, I was very impressed by his strength & success being from a divorced home & divorcing the father of my daughter after he had an affair when I was 6 months pregnant, we married 1 yr. later after he consumed my world. On our honeymoon the putdowns started, I looked like I had been "beaten with an ugly stick", if I had no makeup on, so I tried to be perfect for him always. We moved to a town 1 hour away, stared a new car dealership, I was not allowed to work anywhere except for him in the office. He immediately told me he didn't like how I dressed, my skirts were not conservative enough etc.. I did asked he asked, soon got pregnant had a son, got pregnant 14 months later with my daughter, and turned into supermom. I am very much a pleaser, I want to make sure everyone is happy & taken care of. I had very little contact with my family, no friends, but a nice house, car etc..

I was reminded how fortunate we were very often. At this point there was no verbal abuse, I was very busy, lucky to have him, but still there were so many red flags. Everyone who worked for him was terrified of him, he would not hesitate to fire anyone at the drop of a hat, you never where to cross him or make him look bad. My daughter now five was diagnosed with ADHD, he was very hard on her, and I allowed it no one wanted to upset him especially me. He had a daughter from his previous marriage he never saw, nasty divorce, someone should kill her he would say often. She had said terrible things about him, poisoned his daughters mind, took half his money, she was a whore slut etc...

I was beginning to see his hatred for women. His father had these tendencies, I told him please don't ever turn out to be your father, he assured me he never would. He had an opporitunity to join in another larger dealership in our hometown. This was to appealing to pass up, he hated most of his peers from high school. He had a chip on his shoulders, he was not from the good neighborhood, he was a caddy for these people on the golf course at the country club. He hated all the successful people in town, he was driven to out do them all. We soon moved into a new neighborhood, I still was not to work, or have friendships, we are different people are jealous of us, he would tell me. He would also tell me my sisters were so jealous, everyone wanted to be me. Blah blah blah. I was beginning to see he had trouble with relationships. He seemed to use people for what he needed them for, then he would be finished with them, disposing of them, they were stupid etc..

My sister was divorced, had a gym, she was struggling, I was not allowed to spend much time with her, he was afraid she would influence me. I noticed he had an interest in her, he offered to help her with small things, an awning for her window for her gym. Then he would say I have a building near one of my dealership that you should move into, I won't charge much rent! She wouldn't do it, I just figured she was independent. She was very determined to make it on her own. At this time my husband wanted a farm, we left our perfect home in the city and move to a 400 acre farm 30 minutes outside of town. My husband knew everyone in this area, his father had worked in this area. For me it was the end of the world, but I wanted to please him, the kids loved it I was REALLY out of touch with everything. He bought a horse for me, I loved it, this was it this is what I would do! I started taking lessons in town from two women he had gone to school with. After about 6 months, he hated them, they were lesbians he wanted my out of there so I left! We started showing horses, my youngest daughter and I loved them. One problem, we had to win. We had to have the best horses, everyone had to be envious of us. So my hobby turned into 50 horses, importing from them from South America to breed the best ones etc...I worked and worked and worked, feeding them cleaning stalls etc. I couldn't leave that farm, but I wanted to prove I could be successful too! The people in our breed of horses were mostly from Latin America, they were also impressed by my husband addressing him by Mr.___ making him feel important, he loved it. Oh but I was not allowed to be around these people alone, they have a reputation for taking advantage of women, etc...

I developed great friends in the horse breed, they all lived in the Florida area. I heard constantly the women were all lesbians, sluts, jealous etc. these people don't like you they want to be you, blah blah blah. I had started noticing my husband was too friendly with a young girl from the horse shows. I would find him sitting with her, inside the arena. I would tell him it didn't look good, people might get the wrong idea. It would make him mad. He very much had a double standard, he has always done anything he wanted, been around anyone he wanted. Women who rode horses did it to get men to notice them, thats the only reason everything was sexual. If my daughter and I rode we had to wear many sports bras so there was NO BOUNCE if there was I was a slut, I wanted to be noticed. It was getting much worse.

Ok now I will jump 8 years, my oldest daughter was getting married. This was when it started to unravel, the abuse escalated. There was a couple near our farm, nice husband young son, beautiful wife 10 years younger than me. She wanted to learn to ride, my husband introduced us, I was offered to help her, my husband GAVE hr a horse, he controlled selling the horses etc. I was not capable. During the planning of my daughter's wedding I noticed this woman was linked to violent outburst from my husband. My daughter had left home at 17 graduated early from a private boarding school, (she was a problem for him), joined the Navy. She was marrying a great guy in the Navy also. I called this woman to invite her to my daughter's bachelorette party (out to eat & Sex in the City movie, no alcohol) within 5 minutes my husband called me and accused me of everything under the sun, from showing off to being a slut. I was in shock, where did this attack come from? I realized it had to come from her, I called her and questioned her to see WHAT SHE TOLD MY HUSBAND, she became very defensive and said she had nothing to do with it. I was a wreck, my husband continued to call me a slut, lesbian, all I wanted to do was impress people, he was not paying anymore for this wedding.

He hated all the plans I had made, the wedding was on the farm he was not doing any work on the farm horse friends came to my rescue, they came and worked like dogs to help me, I was to the point of exhaustion. All of these people had felt the scorn of my husband, they had all at one point suffered from him. They were good people who loved me, I am blessed. My husband invited people who did not know my daughter, business people, famous people ( he is obsessed with ). My daughter said who are all these people? I had to do everything, my husband was no where to be found during the wedding, showing up at the last minute, he had be attending to his guest. He did not walked me down the isle after the ceremony, he took credit for everything, wouldn't dance with me. He was totally consumed by his guest, everyone was different, I actually got apologies from my sister-in-laws for my husbands behavior. My sister came to me after the wedding and said I have something to tell you... your husband has come onto me many times, I haven't told you because you love him and I didn't want to mess up your world. I knew he would make you hate me. I was devastated. She never let him help her because he wanted sexual payment. I was in shock. The woman who had caused some many problems during the wedding, had many calls on my husbands cell phone bill, six calls the morning after the wedding!

All my husbands bills, personal mail goes to his p o box, I never see it. I trusted him, what an idiot I am. I started digging, the young girl at the horse shows said my husband made her very uncomfortable. She said she hated him, everyone thinks he is having an affair with the woman that is on his cell phone bill. So I approached him, big mistake, all these people are trash they all want to destroy us they are jealous. My sister is crazy, jealous slut who can't get a husband. My two children with him believe him, they treat my family terrible. I live for my children, but he is pursuing a Nascar career for my son, and he is paying for my daughter to go to go to college, pre-med to impress her father, because she is female, we are inferior, she has to try to out perform her brother etc...., but we all still try to please him WHY? My daughter, the one in the Navy moved to the West Coast to get away from him. By the way she is amazing, very successful, the only thing is she has an anger problem, wonder why? I do not like my son racing, it has caused a rift between me and my son, my husband has used this to win him over, he told me when our son flies home in his jet, you can stand in line with everyone else to see him.

I am now with my daughter 7 hours from home, the only time I have been allowed to leave alone, she is 8 months pregnant, her husband has been deployed to Haiti to help in relief efforts. I see this as my opporitunity, how do I? I am terrified, I have not been able to get proof of my husbands infidelity, he convinces my two younger children I am crazy & stupid. They both treat my bad screaming at me, taking advantage of me. They are not to blame, it is all they know, what they have learned. My son is beginning to act like his father. I am so excited about my first grandson, I want to be with my daughter, I feel so guilty. I am terrified to be out on my own, can I do it? I don't trust people, especially men.

Has my husband physically abused me? Well after reading, Why Does He Do That? Yes he has, driving in the car 5 years ago I voiced that I wanted to go into business with my sister, he freaked out I started crying, and I told him he was controlling. He was driving dangerously, I grabbed the door handle, he started screaming to the kids in the back seat that I was trying to jump out, I was an alcoholic, I had had one glass of wine at dinner. I was left with a black hand print around my arm, and he told my children I was trying to destroy him!

I can't imagine trying to divorce him, besides getting a lawyer in a town where he knows everyone, has started a bank, owns two very successful car dealerships, etc..I get an allowance, I have no idea of our finances, no access to anything. Where do I start?

I am still at my daughters house loving life here, getting calls from my husband twelve times a day! He misses me, really all he wants is sex, that and maid service is all he needs me for. That is all our relationship is, if I refuse he waits until I am asleep, then tells me the next morning what he did and laughs. Am I crazy, am I dreaming all this up? I know I have problems, I have a lot of anxiety, I feel very uncomfortable being in society on my own, can I survive with out him. He tells me he will destroy me if I ever leave.

Feb 19 - 12PM
lisarudi's picture


Your exit will require a lot of planning. Do your research on your attorney. I found an all female law firm two hours away from my home. I too needed to avoid the "good ol' boys club". I was surprised by my ExN "generosity" (I earned every bit of it)when it came to assets being split. However, it is vital to him to keep up the appearance of Mr. Wonderful. I hope you find this the case also, but be prepared if things don't go well. A great lawyer, a level head, and a terrific therapist will be essential. Remeber: plan, plan, plan. Don't let your emotions make your decisions right now. Believe me there is plenty of time to deal with the emotional damage he caused after you extricate yourself from his clutches. Good luck and keep us posted.
Jan 27 - 5AM
agnesmurphy17's picture

Do Not Devalue Youself

This man has you so beaten down! You cannot even believe that you have rights & entitlements. You need a lawyer & a very good lawyer. You have been in a marriage 25 years to a man who owns 50 horses, a 400 acre farm, a car dealership, & (did I get this correctly, a bank). Please, as his wife of 25 years, all this is your's too. (Unless you signed some iron clad pre- or post-nuptial--& even that may be challenged, possibly.) As the woman by his side, who tended the hearth fires while he did battle in the business world . . . all of this empire he created is also yours. But, you need a lawyer. You say you have so many caring friends in the horse world where you are. Horse people are often money people. Ask around the people you can trust for a recommendation of an excellent attorney. People with money often have the best attorneys. Your your marital assets will pay for the lawyer. The lawyer does not have to be where you are. Just has to be licensed to practice in the state where the marital home is located. But, if I were you, I would not discuss with your husband your unhappiness, your thinking about a divorce . . . he will take actions to "block the kick." If you are going to leave him, you will have to have it well thought out before & then leave quickly. You do not need proof that he was physically abusive or that he has had an affair to get a divorce. This is the 21st century. You have put in 25 years with a man whom you feel has neither respected your integrity nor your wishes. You are done. Fed up. You are unhappy. That's enough reason. You are unhappy. Who says you have to sacrifice yourself to a petty tyrant? Him? He says? Please, once again this is the 21 century not the Dark Ages. You are going to be a grandmother soon. You are enjoying life where you are presently, that is, not to be badgered constantly by his demands. Obviously you are in no rush to get back to him. Now, if you are in a rush to get back to that farm & have him out of the place so you can be alone there, for that you will need the advice of a lawyer as well. Remember how he was when his 1st wife left him? This will be a fight to the death--for what he believes to be HIS MONEY. If the children go with him & his money, then so be it. What can you do? But you will get some money after 25 years of faithful service & your own peace of mind. That is, if you decide to leave him. But, leave carefully & go with a big stick (a fighter lawyer).
Jan 27 - 8AM (Reply to #17)
inshock's picture

real words

It really helps hearing real words, I have been told so much crap from mu husband I think I have come to believe it. He has made me think I can't survive without him ever! Your words made it through my numb mind. I am trying to read all I can to get real facts. My husband loves controversy he thrives on winning and destroying people. I am very intimidated by him. I want to leave the family farm compound, I hate it there, it is his world. He creates such huge demanding empires, I just want to live simple. I do feel he should support me for as long as possible, he refused to let me further me education for fear I would "meet someone". He also did not let me keep my hair stylist license, but since I have been with my daughter, I have looked into renewing it. I have consulted a lawyer recommended by a horse friend, that is a bulldog, and very expensive. He scared me to death. I also know this lawyer would definitely infuriate my husband.
Jan 27 - 8AM (Reply to #18)
Barbara (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Who CARES if he's

Who CARES if he's infuriated?? He'd be mad that someone challenged his false ABUSIVE authority. Get MAD inshock. Mad that someone would treat YOU like this. Get a BULLDOG lawyer. 25 years is considered MARRIAGE OF LONG DURATION. This guy deserves to have his gonads pulled out through his ears. WHO CARES what he says or thinks? He's a liar, an abuser, a Narcissistic piece of dung who doesn't deserve the oxygen he's breathing for what he did to you. GET A LAWYER while you are still away from home. Infuriate? More like TANTRUM!!! Send this baby in a man-suit a diaper. ~~~~~~~~~ The truth will set you free... but first it will piss you off - Gloria Steinem Visit My Abuse Website
Jan 27 - 5PM (Reply to #19)
agnesmurphy17's picture

Listen to Barbara!

Get bulldog. In fact, go see another lawyer or two! Get 3 opinions. The first interview is free. Make an informed decision. Go with the lawyer you feel most comfortable. Hey. I heard of a man who went to every good divorce lawyer for an intitial consultation within 100 miles. Then the wife could not have any one of the best within 100 miles because each had already spoken to her husband. Those lawyers were prohibited by ethical rules to take the wife's case. So what if the lawyer is expensive?! You are the wife of a rich man! The fee comes out of the joint-marital assets. You have rights you know. You do not have to work as a hairdresser, if you do not want to. In fact, I think any divorce lawyer would advise against your working at the moment. But ask. Boy! This man has you begging for that which is your's by right. If you decide to leave your husband, take some free advice. You say you do not want to live in the compound. OK. If there is anything you want from the place, you better get it out first. Have a moving van show up when he's out of town. Go in fast & go with very big men. Then leave. Have the lawyer serve the papers immediately. Vanish. Do not discuss divorce with the man. Discuss nothing with him. If he's a narcissist & abusive, you will really, really suffer. Divorce is all about money. Narcissists are all about money. If you stick around to discuss divorce & leaving him . . . then the REAL ABUSE will start. You ain't seen abuse until you try to divorce a narcissist. If you leave, do not let him know where you are if at all possible. NO CONTACT. No e-mails, phone calls, lunches, etc. And, if he's true to form, he's gonna weep, & beg & plead & promise you ANYTHING . . . ANYTHING you want. If you don't agree to return. Then he's gonna THREATEN you & INTIMIDATE you. Round & round you will go. The only person who talks to him should be your lawyer. And, do not trust the children who want the money. They will give him information. If you handle this right, he should be the one afraid of you. He will have to disclose all his assets. All his tax returns. You, my dear, have a lot of power. You are just so brainwashed that you do not know how much power you possess.
Jan 27 - 7PM (Reply to #21)
ForeverLearning's picture

Don't Trust The Children - Good Advice

Yes, unfortunately I have to agree, you may not be able to trust the kids right now, so don't tell them you want a divorce and don't use them to get info back and forth during the divorce. It must all be handled by your TOUGH AGGRESSIVE divorce attorney. Leave the kids out of it as "go-betweens". This is a private matter and yes, money could motivate the kids to pick sides on who gets what assets (that they want to trickle down to them). Hang in there and all the best to you.
Jan 27 - 6PM (Reply to #20)
Barbara (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

You are just so brainwashed

You are just so brainwashed that you do not know how much power you possess ABSOLUTELY RIGHT!!!! EVERYONE SHOULD READ THIS, PRINT IT OUT and HANG IT ON YOUR BATHROOM MIRROR ~~~~~~~~~ The truth will set you free... but first it will piss you off - Gloria Steinem Visit My Abuse Website
Jan 27 - 12AM
Steph's picture

I am happy you found this

I am happy you found this sorry for the painful experiences that brought you here. The women on this site are VERY knowledgeable/experienced and I think you'll find their support and advice extremely beneficial. I wish you all the best as you start the difficult process ahead of you. You are in my prayers:)
Jan 26 - 4PM
Kelly's picture


I'm still shaking after reading this. I admire your courage for facing this nightmare. This sounds terrifying and I can't help but think of you as Julia Roberts in Sleeping with the Enemy. Please be careful and learn everything you can about NPD and Psychopathy before you act. I'm glad that after 25 years, sounds like you have wonderful children. A woman I'm very close with who had a psycho husband had four amazing kids with him. She got him out of her life and now, she reaps all the rewards of the grandchildren and the joys of being a grandmother (She is VERY blessed with fourteen grandchildren and perhaps more on the way) While he is pretty much exiled from the family. I'm glad you found this message board. Stay strong!
Jan 26 - 9PM (Reply to #11)
inshock's picture

25 years

My children give me hope & strength. I was staying in it for them, now I see all the damage. I just pray he doesn't destroy my relationships with my children, that's the first place he will attack me. Thank you for your post.
Jan 28 - 6AM (Reply to #13)
agnesmurphy17's picture

Destroying Relationships with Children

I heard a story many years ago of a rich man who left his wife for a younger woman (who was 6 years older than his oldest daughter). The oldest daughter told her mother to settle quickly. Not to make too much of a fight & not to take too much money from her & her sister. The daughter took sides with the wealthy father. Did not see her mother for SIX years. The mother was not invited to her own daughter's wedding. The mother learned of the daughter's wedding from a third party. After the daughter's own divorce, she turned up & reinstated herself into her mother's life. Everything turned out ok. The younger daughter had always been daddy's favorite. She was in high school at the time the father left. The father convinced the youngest to live with him because he loved her & needed her. The truth was his alimony/support obligations would be les if the child lived with him & new woman. Well, as a daddy's girl, she choose her father's home. The mother had very little contact with this daughter for about 3 years. But, then, this one too learned the awful truth. He wanted her to live with him for financial reasons, not emotional. The mother & this daughter became closer once the girl moved into a place of her own. Children must make their own decisions & learn the truth, or not, in their own fashion & time.
Jan 28 - 9AM (Reply to #14)
inshock's picture

i have to change

I have taken on the role of caretaker for all of my children, no matter how old they are. They know I give them unconditional love. I also try to be there when their Dad upsets them. I am realizing the only way they will see him as he really is, they have to suffer his abuse without me being there to soften the emotional blows. Its hard to let go. I am planning for my escape now, it is going to be so very hard.
Jan 27 - 7PM (Reply to #12)
ForeverLearning's picture

Your Kids WILL Want You In Their Lives

I think your worries about losing the relationships with your kids are unfounded. Sure, at first when your leave your husband, he will spew all sorts of venoumous hatred and utter garbage lies to the kids about you, to try to further brainwash them against you. This much is a given, when dealing with a Psychopath. But wait, there is no need to fear. Good eventually triumphs over Evil in these situations. Just give it time, and have faith. Your kids have known you their entire lives. They know the truth about who you are, and what you have gone through under this lunatic's thumb. They were first hand witnesses. They know the truth in their hearts. They went through it too. And yes, maybe the son turned out alot like his dad. But that doesn't mean he doesn't have a permanent place in his heart for you. He WILL want to continue to have his Mom in his life. Your husband can't change that, ever. Given time for the smoke to clear and the dust to settle, I am confidant your kids will choose to keep a relationship with you. They may not choose to do so with your husband, but maybe they will. That part is hard to predict. And that part doesn't concern you. You are the one who will have no contact with this man ever again, including Christmas family get togethers after the divorce, etc etc. So what he does or who he has a relationship with, really doesn't matter. You don't need to try to control anything regarding whether or not the kids are still friendly with him after all this. That's their deal. And for future family weddings and other important events that you wish to attend, that he may also be present at, you will attend with several trusted friends who will be there as a shield for you, from him. They will be instructed not to leave your side for the duration of the event and will act as a buffer between you and he, to protect you and speak on your behalf, because you will not ever speak to him again once you leave him. Honestly, how could your children choose to sever ties with you, just because you decide to leave the man who has controlled you with no mercy and made you miserable for 25 years? God gave you a life, to do with as you choose. Not to be someone else's slave and emotional punching bag. Not for someone else to play endless cruel games to your brain, that warp your sense of reality and make you crazy and depressed. It would be crazy for your kids to hold a grudge against you for seeking peace, and true happiness, away from the tyrant. So please, consider this a pep talk meant to alleviate your fears about losing a relationship with your kids. Things could be very emotional for everyone during the first few months of that you leave, but once the dust settles and the kids are thinking rationally, they will realize they have no reason to hold anything against you for seeking to have a better life away from this monster. All the best to you!
Jan 26 - 3PM
TexN (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


I hate to see you go back to him but you have to have a plan. Start stashing some money every chance you get (for your get away). I know you said he controls all the money but sell some expensive items he wouldn't notice missing. Go to a pawn shop and sell things if you have to! I will say a prayer for you & your children. Be safe & congratulations on your new grandbaby!
Jan 26 - 9PM (Reply to #9)
inshock's picture


I have been saving money every chance I get. I expect him to fight me for everything, he is all about his precious money. I got to see my grandson on ultrasound today, this is where I get my strength! Thanks for your advice.
Jan 26 - 1PM
ForeverLearning's picture

You Know The Old Saying - "Rome Was Not Built In A Day"

Hello - I am glad you have found this site. The fact you have made it to this website means that you realize your husband has a very serious and dangerous mental problem. Have you ever heard of the famous America singer Tina Turner? I think you should rent the movie about her life, called "Whats Love Got To Do With It". Tina Turner is my inspiration. She married a terrible controlling and crazy man named Ike Turner, and he almost drove her crazy. She lived many many years with him, with every day being crazy, and being controlled. Your life sounds just like Tina Turner's life. Crazy. And I am so so sorry to say that to you, because I believe you are a wonderful person inside. Oh but whatever you do, don't let your husband find out you are watching that movie about Tina Turner. Because in the end, Tina escapes from her crazy husband, Ike. And your husband will realize you are educating yourself about leaving him. And then you will REALLY put yourself into DANGER. After 25 years of owning you completely, your husband will not just let you go. I hate to upset you, but he may turn very violent on you once he realizes you want to leave. He might even try to kill you. I am so sorry to tell you this. He may also threaten to harm your daughter, sister, female horse friends - I can see him giving you some very frightening threats to force you to stay. And if you stay, you will never really be safe, because the "cat is out of the bag" so to speak. You husband knows you want to leave, and so now you will never really be safe anyway. He may just use the time that you hang around to figure out a way to get rid of you, and trade you in for a younger spouse. Again, I am very sorry to sound so dramatic. I am simply making some educated observations here about some very real possibilities that could occur with this man. Your husband is definitely a Narcissist, and very likely a Psychopath. He does not have a conscience (he may fake that he does now and then, to deceive people in certain situations). That makes him a dangerous man, dangerous to you. Follow all of Barbara's advice. Getting untangled from this 25 year mess you are in is going to take some time. Your safety must come first. Your safety is of the utmost importance here. You know I mentioned Tina Turner earlier. When she left Ike, she never saw him again for 30 years (except one instance where he snuck backstage and threatened to kill her). She had to hide from him alot over the years, even though she was famous and trying to maintain a singing career. Every time she got on stage, she took a risk of him being in the audience and doing something - she was a target on stage. But when she made the decision to leave, she went "No Contact" for the rest of her life. In order to survive. She lost everything. But she did keep her life, and sanity. And she went on to have a new life, eventually meet a new man (a much better man with whom she is happy), and find peace and true happiness. I believe you could have these things too, if you choose to. Your safety must come first. You will also need a very aggressive divorce lawyer. Barbara calls them "Bulldog" attorneys. And, you will need several years of therapy with a good counselor, to get your mind back to normal. You have lived in Crazy Land for a very long time with this man. Rome was not built in a day. After 25 years, escaping from this hell will take a strong decision on your part to do so, alot of courage, and patience to know that time (and therapy) can heal you and bring you to a place of peace and happiness. Tina Turner did it, so can you. Read everything on this website, every day, until you have read it all. God bless you and your children. You are not alone, many have gone through what you have gone through, and have been able to escape.
Jan 26 - 9PM (Reply to #3)
inshock's picture

Tina Turner

I did watch the movie tonight, I found it for sale at blockbuster, it was really a physically abusive marriage. It was amazing how strong she was. I feel the same around my husband when he tries to be affectionate with me, I get physically sick. I cringe when I think of going back home to him. My daughter's baby is due in 7 weeks, I just pray I can stay here until then. I am so happy being out of his world. I don't have to wait on him like a servant, although he stills calls me here and tells me how bad he has it. I think he is worried I am happy here. I expect him to try to entice me back home, or to try to make me feel guilty for being here. There is comfort hearing from people who see my situation as I do. Sometimes I feel like I should just stay for the sake of my family, the last thing I want is another man controlling my life. I think I will be okay alone. The feeling of looking over my shoulder, wondering if he is watching me, suspecting me of doing wrong or if he is angry with me keeps me so tense. I feel so relaxed out of his world.
Jan 27 - 12PM (Reply to #7)
ForeverLearning's picture

You Don't HAVE To Be In A Relationship

I mentioned that Tina Turner eventually found a good man and is happy. I didn't mean to imply that you have to have a man to be happy. I know many people, both male and female, who are not in relationships, have been single for many years, and are very happy. So please don't think you need to be in a relationship to be happy. Quite the opposite, I think you should stay out of a relationship for several years to get your head straight, become knowledgable on spotting abusive men so you can learn to avoid them....... and then decide if you ever want to be in a relationship again. Tina never married this second man that she is currently with. After leaving Ike in 1976, she didnt get into a serious relationship for 10 years. She got to know the man she is currently with for a full year before even dating him. I don't think she will ever marry again, but she has been happy with this current man, for 25 years now. A whole other life, after her first life, with Ike. Like being born again! Please follow Barbara's advice and get a plan in place and an aggressive attorney from another town. Along with therapy and a trusted support system to help you through your escape. God bless you, your kids, and the grand babies.
Jan 27 - 8AM (Reply to #6)
Ellen's picture

You say many times

Hi, Wow a petty tyrant he is and i can feel the abue oozing out of your post. I wouldn't go back (maybe you feel you have to to keep the house) If there is any way that you can stay away i would. This guy sounds very dangerous and will be furious when you say you want out. That is the riskiest time for the threat to a woman and her life and the lives of others too. You are happy with your daughter stay where you are happy. You have a lot of happiness to catch up with. I would stick to hairdressing in a female salon only from now on if you ever go back to it lol. God i'm sooooooo mad these days, How dare they do this to women!
Jan 26 - 10PM (Reply to #5)
Barbara (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


start calling lawyers while you're away find one a couple towns away and call a DV hotline, start lining up an advocate - don't go back to him without a plan in place. ~~~~~~~~~ The truth will set you free... but first it will piss you off - Gloria Steinem Visit My Abuse Website
Jan 26 - 10PM (Reply to #4)
rache's picture

We are not intended

To be a mans doormat! You deserve peace and harmony in your life.I know i do even if i have to be alone-(without a man in my life) at least i will be in peace.
Jan 26 - 9AM
admin's picture

Welcome inshock

Get into therapy with a TRAUMA COUNSELOR IMMEDIATELY - call a DV Center or go there -- get a DV advocate ASAP to get this man completely out of your life - NOW!!! Between an advocate & a trauma counselor they should be able to help you find a lawyer to get this man out of your life forever. - PLEASE go through ALL the pages on 'Message Board' as I have loaded it with articles and your questions have probably already been asked and answered many many times. Click through the pages and read what interests you. You'll get up to speed and learn a LOT. - PLEASE read the stories of others on SHARE YOUR STORY. This alone is one of the most validating things you can do! Far too many become completely wrapped up in their own drama... which just makes it all worse. It will also help you see the pattern of their INCURABLE PATHOLOGY. Your story is very very common. - PLEASE read through our whole blog: - chock full of articles about Ns and healing Get a copy of Lisa's book (link in right column) and validate your experience as much as possible. Please in the future, read all the Rules prior to posting, as well - listen to our free radio show - archived at: Remember this board is NEVER to be used as a replacement for therapy. Please find a therapist and start going as SOON as possible for whatever level of PTSD he's left you with!! Get to a PTSD/ trauma counselor ASAP... You will need support & help from a professional. Please get it ASAP.