2 months NC...a little unfoggy can see the mirroring

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#1 Nov 7 - 10AM
broken23's picture

2 months NC...a little unfoggy can see the mirroring

Thanks to everyone who supports this board, especially Goldie for her one on ones. I made 2 months NC today! Yay!
The good: I dont know how I got here. When it first happened I couldnt function (breathe, sleep, eat, severe panic attacks) and my hand was always on my phone wanting to call him. 2 months later I can breathe, eat, and sometimes sleep...but I know I am not calling him again!
I can see the amazing mirroring job he did which landed me here and I cant believe i didnt see this before (i really didnt, i was so smitten) I should have known it was too good to be true.
I like yoga, he shows up to yoga
I like swimming and was a lifeguard, he joins my gym and enrolls his kid in swim lessons
I like running, he wants to run a marathon
I am a foodie, he attempts to be one
I am super close to my family, he loves my family and wants to meet them all and is constantly asking about them. i have 50 first cousins, he made me make a family tree so he could learn all of their names (this one melted my heart ladies...barf...i wonder if he can name any)
I like spending time with my kid, so now he is superdad
I like necklaces, well expensive jewelry it is
I like board games, so does he
I like to read, he forwards me articles on subjects that interest me
I like 90's music, he sends me lyrics from my favorite bands
I have traveled the world, now he has a out of country trip planned which he keeps announcing to everyone
Even words..he stole phrases and sentences i have been saying my whole life...and spit them back at me as if they were his.
No wonder this guy is my soulmate! But these were all things I LIKED BEFORE HIM. Him...i highly doubt he cared about any of these things before me. In all this time what did he actually show me he liked...Sex, his car, celebrity gossip, showing off his big office, pb and jelly, and sex. When i think about it, how many of these things did he keep up with...he is out of shape, slowly he would show up at the end of any fitness session and blame his "bad knee", did not care to try new food instead i changed what i ordered, always saying lets go here and there but not following through, and most telling...starting to devalue me when i needed him the most and had a death in the family, never bothering to show up at the funeral and ever ask how i am, how my son is, do i need anything, or all of my family members whom he had come to love so much need anything.

The bad:
Even though i can know see this so clearly...it still miss this con man and it really hurts, how he played me and am sitting here thinking Broken how can you be so smart yet so stupid?!? Or as goldie says "emotionally naive". Thats to say within weeks you like everything else someone else likes. Afterall i didnt switch any of my habits to what he likes...i didnt do lifting because he did, i didnt watch football bc he did, i didnt start reading celebrity gossip sites bc he did, I didnt take a over the top interest in studying his family and friends, I didnt start talking like him because I HAVE MY OWN personality!
Now that I can see I am trying very hard to work towards acceptance. Acceptance that this man is a fraud and that I do not want this actor, this fake soulmate back in my life. I am hoping each day i want this very nice in my mind but very fake in reality life i had with him back.

Nov 7 - 5PM
Janie53's picture


Nov 7 - 5PM (Reply to #2)
Janie53's picture
