Anger Stage-A good thing! It means you are close to healing!
Maybe you'd like to know that when you reach the ANGER stage, it is actually a healthy thing! It is one of the last stages we go through prior to healing. Let yourself feel and own your anger, it likely won't last more than a few weeks if even that.
There are various stages in the road to healing. Here they are in no particular order. You may go through some or all, or back and forth.
Anger is good! It means you are getting in touch with your emotional landscape and finding your dignity again. I guess I've went through them all, and reached a final one called Indifference. Took me 6 months and is the best stage of all!
I have been stuck in the angry stage for about 3 months... Ever since, I got him drunk and went thru his phone. Seeing all those women numbers in this phone... Yea, I went angry and stayed there... I have thought about revenge in so many ways... Someday, I will get revenge, but right now it is NC all the way baby... He will not hurt me anymore...
Damn Jacknut!!!
Anger and Forgiveness - Under Anger is hurt and pain
Yup, I know a number of us are struggling with these two phases. It's to be expected I think. Did I want revenge, oh yea! I don't think the anger really started to resolve itself until I did something about it. Almost anything would do because I didn't think he should get off scot-free without some kind of retribution or payback.
The answer for me was to put my narc on a Cheater website and a Player website. At the very least, should any woman seek some background information on my ex-narc, perhaps even his current OW, I would make sure the background information was out there to warn any other potential victims of his. It felt it right and good.
The search engines seem to have nailed him as his profile has received over two million hits or views if you will. That makes me feel good and alleviates much of the pain and suffering . Also serves notice to the narc that his crap has been publicly recorded, exposes his grandiose "good guy" image for the farce that it is.
How long does this phase last? It takes as long as it takes. Maybe a few weeks, maybe several months, however long you need it to. The good thing about anger is energizes you, makes you feel alive, forces you to come to terms with the ending of the toxic relationship.
For me, anger last several months. Now at six months, that anger is gone and so is the hurt and pain!
As for forgiveness, I don't know that I have forgiven my narc. Does matter if you do forgive? No, not necessarily I think. I just don't want to live out my life filled with hate and bitterness, while hanging on those emotions. So, if I can't forget or forgive, I just simply choose to let it go.
While you are feeling anger, recognize that it is a healthy emotion. Your emotions and vulnerabilities were toyed and played with, a big chunk of your self-esteem, life-force, and identity as strong independent person were sucked out of you. OF COURSE YOU ARE ANGRY AND HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO BE ANGRY! OWN IT LADIES! Good for you! You should be angry! I would even say "wallow" in it.
As for getting past the anger, i did find prayer helped a lot! I prayed often and frequently for help getting past it often while doing proactive things like swimming. Time is your friend. It just takes too much energy out of you to maintain the anger indefinitely. I found after a while, I was BORED with it all. My memories began to fade and with them so did the anger!
When I was first going through anger, I too wanted revenge and prayed for my narc's downfall. I also started becoming more interested leading a normal life, following my hobbies and interests like gardening and reading - being a "civilian" again. I finally reached acceptance almost without realizing it!
So, now the narc is living with his newest victim, seemingly off living a normal happy life. You know it's all a facade Eventually you say, OK, big deal, he has OW now while I have nobody. The good news is you make new friends and acquaintances, then you start to realize it doesn't matter what he's doing. ITS ALL ABOUT YOU NOW!
One day you realize nothing that narc does matters anymore - The narc you now know is/was a HIGHLY DISTURBED INDIVIDUAL! He was a DISHONORABLE MAN! Now ask yourself - do you really want a partner like that?
If you are like me, you finally can say with all sincerity and conviction "NO!, I want, need and deserve better! You know this is true. You are now glad the OW has him, and she can keep him with your blessings! Ha! Finally, you have reached your goal - indifference. Yea!
SoaperGirl, how long does it take to reach the final stage? He shut me out in January and I was in shock. Couldn't believe he is capable of doing what he'd done.Reached out to him to get closure (pleading?) and he didn't reply to my two e-mails and text.Instead he blocked me on FB and removed me from his contacts on Linkedin.I then became angry and have been stuck in this stage ever since alternating between anger and hurt/sadness. When will this acceptance come? Will it ever come?
Acceptance: Yeh It Can Come w/ Time and Embracing...
Koala100: It hurts until...It can take a few days, weeks, years, and in the truly heart renching cases forever. But you gotta fight. Fight against the bitterness, self-loathing, and ANY emotion that steals YOUR beauty and joy. He/she wins everytime you stoop to their level with revenge, sabotage real love, blame yourself, cry, etc...
It hurts until...There was a post here where someone said that you need to embrace the anger. Yes, embrace it just until it starts to turn on you. Then let it go: accept that a psycho hurt you, deceived you. Learn whatever you can from it and open your good heart to love again.
your comments are awesome thankyou. this was encouraging to know i'm making progress. i remember the pleading stage and it was so humiliating to be begging some asshole to use me more! i knew it was insane but felt like i was going to die without him so i had to do it. thank god i'm not doing it now.
i'd be dead if not for this site. you are all my friends and i'm so thankful
Don't let him take your integrity or your good character either.
Don't do it.
It won't help you heal any faster. It would only make you feel worse about yourself.
you're right, thank you. i guess i'm just so frustrated at the time i wasted on him. but i would then waste more time feeling guilty if i did this stuff
But, don't do anything that would compromise your integrity. Writing a list and visualizing the torture isn't a bad thing...acting on them would not.
First, he would only get some sort of enjoyment out of driving a "non crazy" person to the point of craziness. They love that. My N's ex wife did all sorts of crazy things...bashed him to his friends, broke into his email and forwarded them out to his friends and family. He totally enjoyed watching her self destruct.
I have all sorts of insane thoughts of what I could do to make his life a living hell because I'm still clearly in the anger phase...but I'm not going to do it because it would just give him power and ultimately make me feel ashamed of myself. It's not worth it
Dream away though! I think that may be least that's what I tell myself!
To Hurt/Not Hurt A Narc w/ Glorious Revenge: THAT's the ?
I often dream of running into him and NOT doing what would totally "wet his whistle": freak out w/ tears, eye scratching, a hot iron and/or grease, yelling, etc...NO. I just imagine running into him (looking fab-u-lous and saying to him (with a bright smile on my face) something like, "Hey. I hope that life is treating YOU kind. I am moving on with my life across the board (be vague b/c as a narc he/she will be like "wth! what is across the board?! moving on w/out me...NO!!)Yeh I am happy now and as a result wish you NOTHING but a great life (which they will NOT get as they are emotion sucking robots)."
Then I'd smile a little brighter and walk away....leaving HIM stunned, and he left me feeling SOO many times.
Do I have dreams of totally destroying his sanity and making him feel just an ounce of the pain he has caused me in the past year: YES!! lol. But with a narc that is USELESS. Narcbots DO NOT feel. The best thing to do is like many before have done: NO CONTACT AT ALL! No reply emails, texts, phone calls (online or off), planes over their house, NOTHING. THAT (the loss of contact and ultimately control/supply) will drive the true narc bananas! My narc exhausted all of his avenues of communication until he caught me online and I stupidly responded. That was the last time....He will never change. If I am going to be in a one sided relationship, where it is ALL about one person, well then I'd be SINGLE. ;-)
Good luck to all here! It is hard (too hard) but just maintain NC and move on. Don't let these pathetic N's block your blessings....
"I hope that life is treating YOU kind. I am moving on with my life. I am happy as a result wishing you NOTHING but a great life"-That's what I basically said when I broke NC with the ex-Psych prof in '09!!!! You almost have it verbatim (in terms of the general concepts, tho not in the same words, since I wedged in some excursions to Ukiah&Boston)
I DID want to show him that I moved on. NO pining&weeping over here! I omitted all the sad incidents in my life (job loss,those sort of things) and wrote only the HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY ones.
But it's because I assumed he was a NORMAL teacher and that he'd be happy about my achievements&moving on. I even wished him a happy family&professional life, as frosting on the cake.
Now, when I dealt with the ex-P IN THE FLESH, my happiness drove him nuts. He'd run away from it, avoid me, etc.
So, yeah, I guess I was using my happiness as a Weapon of Mass Destruction. I even ended the note with "have a happy --" because I was NEVER allowed to end phone calls with "have a nice day" or "have a wonderful evening."
I've LIVED that fantasy. Explains why the ex-P NEVER contacts me.
Yeh Susan32 your words to him were like kryptonite. He probably sees that u r no longer a waiting supply for him and the "thrill is gone" for him. What's the point for him?! A source that sees the truly pathetic, emotion sucking, self-loathing face he hid to lure you in....THAT won't do.
Your happiness is a weapon to him. And even if u have to lie spew it at him if he EVER has the audacity to come around again. I'm currently waiting on my N to come around (and he will...always does w/ in 3 months max) and I have a lovely final parting for him. Is it vengeful...sorta. BUT I can't wait to shell shock him (not with crazy actions, violence, cursing, etc) but indifferent words and expressing my relief/happiness while exposing his facade.....
I guess one can imagine that I weaponized my happiness and made it battle-ready like the USS Enterprise. "Shields up; Fire lasers at full strength!"
He was the on the receiving end and I can only IMAGINE how that felt... plus he received it at work. He HATED picking up the mail at work because people from his past would write to him. He found it humiliating. It's common sense that some business acquaintances will write to your business address (instead of your home one) People will leave your personal address alone&respect that.
So, when *I* broke NC... he got it at work. I made his daily humiliation much more fun.
As for "kryptonite"--it is a REAL element. The ex-Psych prof was my freshman science teacher, and we studied Mendeleev&the periodic table of the elements. Kryptonite is a noble gas. It is also NEUTRAL (like so many Ns/Ps are) It exists.
absolutly spot on...100%....i cant say enough,that NC DOES THEM UP BIGTIME....i did have the pleasure tho of my last words were...YOU DONT CONTROL ME YOU DONT OWN ME...ITS OVER ..MOVE ON..I HAVE...AND I HAVENT SPOKEN OR LOOKED AT HIM SINCE...NC 22 1/2 MNTHS....ITS THE ONLY WAY TO GO...
Used: I will totally bookmark this site and come back here anytime I m tempted to break NC! I will also come back here after he contacts me. Reading over these posts, like you do, will show me when I start to weaken that I HAVE TO LET GO! NC is the only chance, the only life preserver, I have against him. Engaging him is sooo dangerous. He and I cannot be friends. And a "romantic" union is a no go. I tried "friends" after my ex narc suddenly came back to me after he abruptly left me. It lasted a WEEK. I am soo ASHAMED to say that I was so sick that I dumped a guy who was nice as could be to chase the dream of what my narc had presented.... SMH. Loving a narc is like being on heroin. U spend the ENTIRE union chasing the dragon that never really existed.....
lol ok thanks. you're right he loved to tell me how crazy i was after he'd make me that way. and my taking the time to do this stuff just gives him more power. but it is fun to dream.
i really understand why people do crazy stuff now too
Seriously, he drove me to do crazy stuff while we were dating. I didn't even recognize myself! I look back and think, "did I really just throw a drink in his face"? Yeah, I did that. He totally deserved it, but it was out of character for me...and it pisses me off to think that I actually got so out of control.
He's lucky that's all I threw at him!
you're funny, i'm glad you did it but it is embarrassing what they drive us to. i feel like he's making me act like him. maybe becuz we feel we have to communicate at their level to get our point across!
That is EXACTLY what my therapist said! She said I had an adolescent response to a man who never made it out of adolescence! Embarrassing that I stooped to that level...
DON'T feel embarassed. Lashing out (esp. at a narc man child) is understandable. It is like another great poster said above "now I know why others lash out" is true. NOW I know why ppl snap. When faced with the humiliation, shame, rage, deceit, etc of a narc union...lashing out is a HUMAN response to try in vain to inflict the same back. BUT with US doing it we don't get anything but further regret and shame b/c we're human. THEY are not.....
Learn from that human emotion, don't beat urself up, and try to move on. :-)
Anger Stage-A good thing! It means you are close to healing!
Anger and Forgiveness - Under Anger is hurt and pain
SoaperGirl, how long does it
Acceptance: Yeh It Can Come w/ Time and Embracing...
your comments are awesome
forever fun 1
you're right, thank you. i
and he would once again have
Yeah...I get it...
To Hurt/Not Hurt A Narc w/ Glorious Revenge: THAT's the ?
Yeh Susan32 your words to him
Fully Weaponized Happiness
Used: I will totally bookmark
lol ok thanks. you're right
you're funny, i'm glad you