Beware of the: NARC ATTACK; A Narcissists Revenge ~Goldie

You are in early recovery or new recovery after a slip. You have made it through the hardest part, or so you thought. He or She is now out of your life and you are ready to go NO CONTACT for the first time or again. In new recovery for most of us, one part of the day we are empowered and feeling like we are getting ourselves back and the other part is pure torture.

The knowing in one part of your brain that it is a no win situation and then of course the emotional part kicks in and the bittersweet sadness, longing, and physical withdrawal. Cognitive dissonance. These relationships are like an addict with their drug and most describe the withdrawal as a physical aching and pain.

This is when it gets most difficult to remain NC. Some of them hoover nonstop and other's are more sophisticated with their attempts to lure you back. Mine often said that he would purposefully wait awhile until I was good and screwed up missing him and then pounce like a vulture to lure me back in. They are mirroring us for weeks; even months in the beginning and as they often like to boast, they sometimes know us better than we know ourselves in this particular area.

My X for a solid year hoovered me day and night if I broke up with him. Then we were apart for several months; as he was in jail for stealing, physical, and property damage abuse. When he got out of course he saw the light and all was going to be different. This lastest for a week or so. He stopped the overt abuse for fear of returning to jail, however, all the rest of it remained the same. He did pay me back some of the money he stole and then was off and running with the drugs, wasting money ect...

The second time he kicked it up a notch and created new behaviors to keep me on the hook. He could see that I was weary of the relationship and not falling for the hoovering, so he began to disappear for entire weekends and this was the "new hook." Now I was thinking that he is cheating on me and I began to act like I gave a shit again. Which is exactly where he wanted me and as I said, he came right out and said he was doing it on purpose because that whole hoovering thing no longer worked.

My point: They will do whatever it takes to push your buttons during this withdrawal phase which you are going through. If hoovering works then there you go. If completely ignoring you works and allowing you to get worked up into a complete frenzy, then he will play that card. If implying that he has new supply and will drop them, if you take him back, then that will be the card played. They up the ante and are amazingly clever at this game.

This is when it gets tricky and will determine whether or not we remain NC or get sucked back in. Keep in mind that during this phase (you trying to end it and him trying to play you to lure you back) he will remember EVERYTHING that you have ever said which pertains to your weaknesses. EVERYTHING. Things you most likely have even forgotten you ever said, and WHAM when you least expect, he will hit you off guard, hit you from behind, and you will not even see it coming.

I have seen them fake injuries, actually hurt themselves on purpose to garner sympathy, have alleged deaths in the family, false illness, facing jail allegedly, sick family members, parading a NM in your face, having others contact you mysteriously, it goes on and on and of course many of these pretend emergencies require MONEY or a jump in the hay. They know if they can get in your presence; the chemicals will get released in you; you will fall for these crazy lies and stories, and the games begin all over again.

This comes to mind particularly in the case where you are the cash cow or great sexual supply because their money runs out or they are having trouble securing new sexual supply or they need a quick fix of whatever it is that you bring to the table for them. Hmmm, how is he going to play this so he can have his cake and eat it too? He will acheive this by catching you off guard while you are still in the withdrawal stage. He may even wait longer than usual so that you will be a mess when you finally do hear from him and you may want to cry, YES YES YES, of course I want to see you, you little shit. I have missed you so much and he will profess the same, blah blah blah and let the "fun times" begin all over again.

I say this as you go through withdrawal and how long that lasts varies, you need to keep your guard up for the "unexpected" hoover as it comes in all shapes, forms, and packages. Whatever they think will best push YOUR particular buttons. I know we are intelligent men and women, however, this has nothing to do with intelligence, they are good at this, sucking you back in is their playing field. I have been narced a few times and failed to see it coming. I am happy to say, after months learning about these disorders, that I am getting good now at spotting the "narc attack" before it happens and even laughing out loud at his feeble attempts to suck me back in and he still tries often.

There will be some great feelings of empowerment and some low unbearable painful moments in new recovery, just remember to beware of the "Narc Attack."

You are in my thoughts and prayers as you make it through the withdrawal of early recovery or new recovery after a slip, and if you cave and I hope you don't. Do not worry, it happens to the best of us; we will still love you and be here for you.

God bless,

How to schedule a ONE ON ONE with Goldie

Please order your session through the following link right here on the site or you are welcome to order it through my email if you need a generic receipt, it will say nothing aside from my email.

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Blank receipt: go to paypal and order through my email [email protected]

To join my Support Group please order through the following link:

Once you have ordered your ONE ON ONE or the GROUP SUPPORT SESSIONS, please email me with your time zone and availabilty and we will set up the one on one. I will at that time provide you with my call in phone number or if you have a Skype account you may dial in through that account directly to my phone number which will be provided for you once your session is ordered.

The session lasts at least 1 hour and we will work through what is concerning you the most at this time. Everything discussed between us is completely confidential.

Please feel free to email me at anytime with your questions or concerns.

[email protected]

Sep 30 - 10AM
celine43's picture

Revenge is Sweet

Jun 29 - 10AM
TruthbeginsToday's picture

More pearls from you. I'm so grateful.

Nov 16 - 7AM
Dolphin's picture

Talk about a nark attack!!

Reading this post I have to share an unbelievable story. They will do anything and go to any lengths. Here is a prime example.Early in the N relationship I discovered that he did have a drug issue along with other issues I couldn't explain, I now can, but back then I had no idea that N's even existed. He had D&D me and I was an emotional wreck, blaming myself for not showing him enough love blah blah blah. He had been gone for maybe a week and one night I was in the bed and heard something outisde my sliding glass door in my room. I jumped up and it was him screaming let me in I am hurt. I opened the door and he came in layed on my bed and proceeded to tell me he had just left the hospital, he had gotten hit by a car and rather than wait to see a dr he just wanted to see me. He was bleeding from his head and I tried to convince him to go back to the hospital. I just want you to fix it he says. I got dressed went to the pharmacy and spent alot of money on all kinds of things that I felt he needed. I have no medical background. I did the best I could and of course he was back in my life. I to this day really dont know what happened but in hindsight it was all a ploy so he could get what he wanted. Needless to say about a month later he D&D me again. This continued for years. Each time it was something different and each time I fell hook line and sinker. NO more....I am in NC again and am waiting for the next attack, I know its coming and knowing him it will be major. Thank you for this site and all of you for being here and posting. I truly draw strength from all of you. My eyes are open and my walls are up. Bring it on you sorry MFer, I'm ready. NC NC NC
Sep 2 - 10PM
Susan32's picture


The ex-Psych prof tried to kill my sense of humor. But each attempt made it STRONGER... like the Hydra of Greek mythology. When one of the Hydra's many heads was sliced off, 10 grew in its place. He thought it was FINE to mock me... but I wasn't allowed to mock him. He knows what it's like to be on the receiving end of my sense of humor, lucky him.
Aug 24 - 1PM
LuckySpurs's picture

Abusive N stepfather

This line caught my attention, "they sometimes know us better than we know ourselves". My N stepfather would say that he knew me better than I knew myself all the time. I believe it was an NLP implant, meant to make me believe that he knew what was "best" for me better than I ever could and to not question him EVER. I have recognized it as a quintessential narcissistic comment meant to control.
Jan 11 - 8PM (Reply to #58)
Goldie's picture

Another favorite one; I know you like a book

We belong together. You know you will be miserable without me. No one will ever love you like I do ( I certainly hope not). We are soul-mates. We understand each other. You are the love of my life. You complete me. I hit you because you provoked me or I get angry when you say you want to leave me, I will never leave you. I want you to be my wife. I want to grow old with you. I love you to death (that is about the size or it). I have never felt this way before about anyone ever. I never loved my wife. She does not understand me like you do. She is a bitch. Ow/wife cheated on me. Wife/ow refuses to sleep with me. I don't sleep with them anymore; we are just friends' I can be myself around you. I love you but I cannot marry you right now; but I will. You are a crazy psycho bitch. We Are meant for each other; meant to be. We are as one, Can you think of anymore? God bless, Goldie
Apr 30 - 2PM (Reply to #63)
Narcphobia's picture


Dec 22 - 12AM (Reply to #62)
BlindNoMore's picture

Word for word, it blows my

Sep 30 - 12PM (Reply to #61)
MyTurnToBe Free
MyTurnToBe Free's picture

A Couple

Mar 24 - 1AM (Reply to #60)
sparky's picture

Ahhh, yes...his favorite line

Dec 19 - 6PM (Reply to #59)
AllGiggles's picture

Yes Goldie My narc said we

Aug 31 - 11AM (Reply to #56)
Goldie's picture

Exactly Luckyspurs

They don't truly know jackshit about us. What they do know is how to mirror back to us what they see and use it against us at every turn. Narc often told me that he knew me like a book, funny thing is that once I could feel that I was being played, I shut down inside and stopped sharing my true inner self with him and was living a half life deadened by his abuse. I learned very quickly to keep my real self away from him. God bless, Goldie
Sep 2 - 6PM (Reply to #57)
Susan32's picture

They're scared of the REAL SELF...

Be it their true selves, or OUR true selves. One of my friends (with whom I went to Bible study) said during the final D&D, "He's not really rejecting you. You're not yourself around him. He doesn't KNOW the real you." The ex-Psych prof was condescending when he said "I'm rejecting you because you're a student, NOT because of who you are as a person." But there's truth to it. He didn't know who I really am as a person. At every opportunity when my REAL ME surfaced, he cut&ran. It's true that one of the 48 Laws of Power is "Know your enemies." Ns/Ps THINK they know us. They know our QUALITIES, but they don't really know us. And when they come to know who we really are... it SCARES them. Because it means being real. When we're real with them, they're terrified at the prospect of being real with us. In some bizarre ways, Ns/Ps are vulnerable to being played because they REALLY don't know who they're dealing with, and they're feeling entitled. The ex-P, for example, was so SCARED that I'd get to know him, he'd try to scare me away from going to Massachusetts, calling it "the land of neurotic Puritans." Well, I've gone to Massachusetts several times, I *LOVE* Boston (my sister, brother in-law and nephew live there), enjoy its museums, fall foliage, history. Yeah, that really panned out well. NOT.
Aug 24 - 7PM (Reply to #37)
needing2know's picture

30 days NC!

I heard that when they dump you and you are the one who always made contact after the fact, they will not come back to you because they want you to do it like you always did in the past, is this true? I'm getting the silent treatment, he told me before he left, I could have made him happy! yeah right!
Aug 25 - 12PM (Reply to #38)
Goldie's picture

Congrats on 30 days NC, Yippee!!!

Hi Needing2know, If you are the one who always contacted them, you may have created a situation where you made it so easy for the Narc that they did not need to do the "work" at getting you back. Therefore you have created a precedent where they will just wait for you to make the first move. Relationships always have their own personal typical dynamic and this is what was established in this senerio. Narcs do not like to be ignored and he will wait for the typical behavior to take place and if it does not, he will either contact you or leave it alone, depending on what else he has for supply. This is all about supply and if he has plenty, you may not hear from him again if he is now expected to work for it and never had to in the past, he will not bother. If he has little supply at the time or in the future and you come into his mind, he will be back. This may be hurtful to hear and I am sorry but seriously if depends on the narc and what else he has going on. Some have a LOT and for some you may be one of only a few. Also it depends on his sense of entitlement and some of them get an attitude if someone has the "nerve" to completely cut them off. So this is not an easy question. I have heard of narcs who have plenty of supply going back to someone who cut them off, just one more time, JUST so they can now be the one to end it, they can be very very petty. This is why when you end it and it goes past the usual time where you typically would have contacted them they can get a desire to screw with you. I had one tell me that he is ALWAYS the one to end it and will purposefully suck someone back in just to hurt them back and never talk with them again, and this was one with tons of supply; but a hateful disposition. You sure don't want to be on the receiving end of that one because that will be very hurtful to you. Look to his past to see if he fits that catagory. They are the great game players. They love the game more than the person. Keeping all this in mind you would have to gage this by your particular narc and his particular m/o. Hope I did not complicate things further for you, it's just that this is not an exact science. Congrats again on the NC, now that is good news. Keep it up, good job. God bless, Goldie
Sep 10 - 8PM (Reply to #54)
cindy222's picture

Goldie is so right

They do come back. Mine contacted me after 6months, but I won't go into that for now, what I wanted to say was 3 months before I kicked him out, he told me he was seeing his x from before me. That was 8yrs ago!!!!!!!!!! So yes, they do try again and again. On a good note...she dumped him after 3dates, and he told me how p###d off he was that she did that. O dear, how sad, never mind.........heehee
Sep 11 - 12AM (Reply to #55)
needing2know's picture


I never lived with him, I never got rid of him , he is the one who got rid of me. So he has no reason to come back
Aug 25 - 1PM (Reply to #39)
needing2know's picture

Thanks Goldie, He dumped me,

Thanks Goldie, He dumped me, I didn't dump him, he has a business that keeps him busy (Tattooing) so he gets his PRAISE form a lot of people,I always did the contact, it has been 30 days and I will not cave this time, I know him well enough that even if he didn't have his NS he wouldn't contact me ever, he never caves ever,so if he never did come around that's ok with me , just makes this no contact thing a little easier for me. He was the one who ALWAYS ended it and he was the one who ALWAYS ignored me until I begged him to talk to me, well I'm done. But thank you for your insight and you didn't confuse me, everything I read here helps me . So thank you!
Aug 26 - 5PM (Reply to #47)
Goldie's picture

That hurts

I was saying that if you were the one who always did the work at making contact then he is going to be surprised when he does not hear from you. Even though he never caves, you never know with a narc. He sounds just awful though with the comments he makes about how he can get you to do anything. Mine said something like that once and I never forgot it, I thought, I'll show him and stayed away from him out of spite. Just be strong and keep close to the board, especially as it nears the time when you would normally contact him. How long do you usually go? Goldie
Aug 26 - 5PM (Reply to #48)
needing2know's picture

Usually only 1 and a half to

Usually only 1 and a half to two weeks, but it has been 33 days NC ,he never bothered me in the past, maybe because I caved huh? (stupid me) , but I doubt he even wonders why I'm not contacting him, the only reason i would want to contact him at this point is to tell him off but what I read it's just a form of supply, so I will stand my ground!
Aug 27 - 9AM (Reply to #49)
Goldie's picture

This is great news

You've made it PAST your usual caving point. You are doing fantastic here. Just don't be surprised. Even with normal men, whatever that means, lol, they don't treat you good if you do all the work. The oldtimer women in my life used to always say this. Let them do the work. Men like the chase, the hunt. So he may come a crawling as time goes by. Just be aware of the narc attack when you change behaviors. Moving forward though with new guys, this is a great lesson for all of us. To let them do the work. The more we do the less they do. We make it way too easy for them. I can relate to this as well. Not so much the contacting them first but the doing everything in the relationship so they can just lay back and take advantage and if they are a PD, they take complete advantage of the situation. God bless, Goldie
Aug 27 - 9AM (Reply to #50)
needing2know's picture

my ex and I have NEVER gone

my ex and I have NEVER gone this long without talking or seeing each other in 7 yrs. Wonder if it's getting to him at all. I just wish my nightmares would stop, been having alot of them.
Aug 27 - 10AM (Reply to #51)
Goldie's picture

You are breaking the cycle

Good job, as far as the nightmares go. I have heard of this before. There is a lot of work going on in your psyche as you go through the letting go and moving on process. Your subconscience is now able to realize the horror of what you were doing and what and who you were involved with in this relationship with a PD. They should subside in time. A good therapist who specializes in PTSD, codependency, and understands PD's, would be helpful with sorting out your inner emotions. God bless, Goldie
Aug 27 - 10AM (Reply to #52)
needing2know's picture

I keep seeing him in my

I keep seeing him in my dreams, he is ignoring me but looking at me with a smirk on his face, but it's not his face it's the face of the devil! :( Do you think they have nightmares like we do?
Aug 31 - 11AM (Reply to #53)
Goldie's picture

Some say they do; some say they don't

I have seen addict narcs experience nightmares. Most likely induced by the drugs. I don't know for sure. Certainly they do not have nightmares which involve guilt, most likely just fear if they do at all. God bless, Goldie
Aug 25 - 1PM (Reply to #40)
Used's picture


Aug 25 - 1PM (Reply to #46)
needing2know's picture


toward the end he would say something to me and I would ask him "who the hell r u" he would giggle this evil giggle and he told me "I can make you do whatever I want you to" Well he can't make me contact him now lol
Aug 25 - 1PM (Reply to #41)
needing2know's picture


I am glad I am no contact too ,you really think he thinks I can't do with out him? I am having ,well I have had thought of telling him where to go and what a worthless POS he is, but I'm NOT and I CAN'T do it. I will prove to him that the more he plays his game I t just makes me hate him more, you know when we were together I never dreamed about the guy, now I am having all kids of nightmares, whats up with that, is that normal?
Aug 25 - 1PM (Reply to #42)
Used's picture


Aug 25 - 1PM (Reply to #43)
needing2know's picture


Wow ,my ex never said that kinda stuff, he just always told me that I would never find a man like him again lol well if thats the case I'm GOOD with that. And congrats to you on the 22months NC, I'm a long long way from there, I hope like hell I get through this, I will not cave!