A word of encouragement :)

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#1 Oct 22 - 8AM
Deidre99's picture

A word of encouragement :)

It's been a while since I've posted anything here, and wanted to offer some hope and encouragement to those here just coming out of a relationship from being with a narcissist. A few days ago, I decided to clean out some very old emails, and ran across emails from nearly 5 years ago, when I was in the thick of leaving a toxic relationship with a narcissist. I wish I could say I only tangled with one narcissist, but I had to learn the hard way, that they are all the same. But, when I recently came across these emails, I deleted them without reading, and it almost feels like all of that never happened to me. It happened to me, I grew and healed from it and became a stronger person, but it feels like it didn't happen lol That is when you know you have officially healed - when the past doesn't hurt you anymore, you look back at it, and remember yourself as a different person then. It's like these men don't even exist, anymore...but there was a time when I made them larger than life. So let my post here bring you hope. Stay NC, and know that it's all worth the struggle.

The struggle that you have without the narcissist is temporary, because you will learn to love yourself, and move forward. But the struggle if you remain on and off with your narcissist, will never bring you to a better place. It's not about him ...it's about you. Make your life about you, and bringing your own happiness to it.

God bless!