Narcissists at Uni, should I travel with them overseas?

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#1 May 16 - 8PM
kollontai77's picture

Narcissists at Uni, should I travel with them overseas?

I'm dealing with a couple of 19 year old narcissists at the moment at Uni; we are studying film so I suppose it goes with the territory. I am 37 and should see this stuff coming by now, having been through the ringer with Reptile in 2012.

Even so, narcs still have the power to cause me to pander and curry favour, feel dejected at social ostracism, rage at their blatant power moves over me, and cause me to become physically ill. An autoimmune disease that was in remission for over a year has flared up, and I have lost sleep fretting over these utter bitches!

Some of the outrageous things they have said include:

"I'm so glad you LOVE My Movie, even (so and so) LOVES my movie!!!" (said to someone who had expressed no appreciation whatsoever)

"I'll just step on anyone who gets in my way" (of being a TV Producer in the USA.)

"My job as producer is to support the Director, to make sure that there is NOONE in the group they are uncomfortable with, and that we all LOVE each other. I only work with the BEST people". (Gee, thanks for telling me that I am untalented and unlikeable!, I wanted to say- she worked with me on the first film but dropped me from the second.)

"(Uni is) just like high school, and I LOVED high school!!"

the other one said:

"I LOVE defriending people on facebook, it makes me feel SO GOOD"

"I'm not interested in still photography, I don't even have a camera, I just want to make moving images" (and she wants to be a camera assistant and cinematographer - good luck with that one!)

Both of them compulsively name drop, carrying on about how close they are to the more IMPORTANT people, how cool and awesome they are, and how they are preferentially picked for jobs on Honours films. When they are not the centre of attention, or have to deal with less important people, they get withdrawn and sulky. They are utterly hideous, and remind me of Hyacinth Bucket from "Keeping Up Appearances".

My question is, I am planning to go on overseas exchange for three weeks with the wannabe Producer demon. I would be sharing a room with this creature. Should I go? It would be an opportunity of a lifetime, studying in the USA. But the stress of dealing with her has made me sick, and I can't afford to get sick in the US with a pre-existing condition.

What to do?

May 17 - 8AM
Willow's picture

"narcs still have the power

May 17 - 8AM
thebigpayback's picture

As an older student, 10 years

May 17 - 8AM
ItsFinallytime's picture

You're very, very focused on

May 18 - 8AM (Reply to #3)
Janie53's picture


May 17 - 12PM (Reply to #2)
talktothehand's picture

Narcs or not