MPathic1's Story

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#1 Jun 6 - 12AM
MPathic1's picture

MPathic1's Story

Greetings! I joined recently and have read several posts and now it's my turn to speak out.

I really don't know where to start, so I'll just dive in:

My name is Ron, I am 49 years old, gay, single, and have one HUGE N in my life: My mother. A textbook Malignant Narcissist.

As I have been researching and learning about the Narcissistic Personality Disorder, I have begun to recognize the traits and the damage caused me by this hideous, evil woman.

My beloved Grandmother passed away a year and a half ago. We were VERY close and I miss her greatly. While she was laying dead in her bathroom, my mother was digging around in the bedroom outside BEFORE THE FIRST RESPONDERS SHOWED UP rooting around for the information about the money she would now have control over. This was CHRISTMAS DAY, 2009. I had yet to show up at GMa's. If I had, and seen this behavior, I would have put the bitch's teeth out. Damn the consequences.

This is one example of her behavior. Similar examples abound over the last 40 or so years. I have been her target for so long that it seems normal. Typical stuff: I'm not worthy of comfort, love, happiness, etc. She has fucked up the very progression of my LIFE with her control tactics and mental abuse.

And I have come crawling back for more for over 40 years.

Why? LOTS of reasons: American values of respecting one's mother, RELIGIOUS pressure: Honor Thy Mother and Father (We'll get into my Dad at a later date!), even pressures from unknowing people like coworkers or casual acquaintences: "She IS your mother, after all!"

Maybe the hope that she would change motivated me, as well.

She contracted HPV cancer 4 years ago. The entire family rallied around to support her. She survived, but is absolutely unchanged. I have NEVER known anyone who survived a life-threatening illness or situation completely unchanged.

Last year, she hauled off and struck my step-father. He is 20 years her senior and has health issues of his own, including a history of taking tumbles. Why did she hit him? She wasn't getting her way by dictating how I should go about doing HER a fucking favor. I turned her in to Family Services, but my 86 year old step-father protected her. She has him convinced that he cannot live without her. There's nothing I can do about their relationship . . .

She assumed that I was the one who turned her in. I DID face her off with her behavior since my Grandmother passed away. SHE has cut off all contact and that's FINE!

So why am I here? I really do not know. I hope to be able to vent and learn how to deal with this evil woman.

ALL advice would be welcome. I know that the N's discussed here are males, and I have had my own experiences there, as well, but perhaps I can gain a little perspective to go along with the counseling I have sought out recently.

Because, you see, my life is going merrily to hell in a handbasket, due in a large part to the seething, raging anger I have been harboring for decades. I have had some pretty dark days recently.

I have realized one thing, though: I seem to be a magnet to these types. I cannot tell you the numbers of people I have allowed into my life who ended up hurting me or fucking me over in some way. I need to learn what it is about me that attracts these types and how to STOP it!

I am known as a generally positive and loving, compassionate person. It takes a LOT of energy to try maintain this and I am losing the fight.

Jun 7 - 8AM
spinning's picture

Welcome, mPathic,

though I'm sorry you had to come here. You will find a lot of support, information, compassion, validation and even humor here! This is an outstanding community that has helped me immensely in my recovery...which is progressing along. In your case, I know it's difficult to go NC on your mom, but you may want to consider it in order to find health, peace and happiness. Ron, I also want you to know that your comment's on Beam's thread about her suspicions about her N are most appreciated and are a great reminder to all of us women here. Thank you so much. I hope you have a great day. Hugs and good vibes to you for strength and peace of mind from, (not) spinning. NO LONGER AN OPTION. THE SICK FREAK TRIED BUT HE COULDN'T TAKE ME DOWN!


Jun 7 - 8AM
Smitten Kitten (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

My Mother is One Too

My mother is BPD/NPD also, but I just refer to her as a Psychopath these days. Most of my life I knew she was some kind of crazy, but didn't really know just how much until I started researching these topics a few years ago. After 40+ years of her abuse, I decided enough was enough and I wasn't going to take it anymore, even if that meant no contact. Just because I'm her daughter, doesn't mean she has the right to continue verbally, psychologically, emotionally and even sporadically trying physically, to abuse me anymore. After a particularly intense "episode" with her over the phone a few years ago, I decided to go NC. That lasted for about 3 or 4 months until she hoovered me with a birthday card. I'm lucky that I live clear across the country from her and she spends most of her time trying to reel my sister in who lives in the same state. I have VERY limited contact with her at this point, only speaking to her on Holidays or birthdays. I know all too well how other people don't understand because they haven't seen her abuse personally. And like you said, "She IS your mother, after all." If we told these same people they sexually abused us, everyone would understand and tell us to have nothing to do with them. Even my own husband doesn't get it. He thinks I just have anger issues and haven't gotten over what happened in the past. That I just need to let it go. What he doesn't realize, though, is that it's not that I haven't gotten over what she did to me as a child, she's STILL DOING IT! It's not in the past, it's in the present! He hasn't seen it for himself because he hasn't even seen her for over 11 years and it has gotten worse as she's gotten older. I used to go visit her by myself, and he has no idea what she does and what she's capable of. He witnessed a few outbursts from her aimed at other people many, many years ago, and was shocked at what he saw, but he's forgotten. They do drain the energy from you too. Anytime I talk to my mother I have to mentally "prepare" and gear up for it and it's really hard to get through a simple phone conversation. I guess that's the key word. Simple. Nothing is ever simple with them. The only thing that keeps it from erupting into a fight is me keeping my mouth shut and not saying much of anything. And we attract these types into our lives because we were raised to subvert and suppress our own needs in order to meet theirs, which we can never do anyway no matter how much we try. It was and will never be enough and it was and still is always, always about them. But somehow we became accustomed to dancing to their tune and jumping through their endless hoops to avoid their wrath, and that dynamic continues to play out in our current relationships. Always trying so hard to win the love of our mothers that we never got, and now trying to win the love of the N/P's in our lives.
Jun 7 - 7AM
beamoflight's picture


Wow, you're in a hard spot. I dont know what to say except that it makes me feel better to vent and to post to strangers-- who are in my same boat. I hope that they can help you feel better too. Thanks for your input before too. See? Reading-- posting-- helps me so much. :)
Jun 6 - 11PM
sadlymistaken's picture


I SOOOO feel your pain. It's just sheer hell when your own mother has fed on you since birth. You are ONLY here to serve her. Any feeling or need we have that conflicts with hers (which in a parent/child relationship are most of them for many years) we are completely shamed for and labeled selfish. My mother is a pure demon from hell also. The last time I saw her she told me she was dying of cancer (turned out to be a complete lie) and attacked me in front of my child. She then told everyone that me and my daughter attacked her. I'm so sorry. Just know that the children that survive these vile monsters with such loving hearts still are extra special. If we can somehow work our way through the pain, there IS beauty, love and joy waiting for us. I know this from experience-although I'm still very much in the struggle. It took me a couple of years, but I do have moments of pure peace and joy now. You can do this. You're worth it. Never give up. This website literally was my saving grace. It was written by an amazing woman who had a narc mom. I hope it helps you as it helped me. I totally get how few people will support any efforts you make to protect yourself from "its" abuse. Sending hugs and strength.
Jun 6 - 9AM
Deidre40's picture

welcome, ron. {[and

welcome, ron. {[and hugs}} wow--to have a mom with this disorder. hmmm. that's tough. i'm so sorry for your lifelong struggles. the reason you attract narcs, is because while you might find your mom's behavior reprehensible, she is still your mom. you are COMFORTABLE with being treated badly. I know this QUITE WELL. I grew up in an abusive home, verbally/emotionally speaking. I gravitated to, and attracted many narcs in my life. Have dated three. All ended badly. So you feel most comfortable around people who hurt you. Sounds crazy I know.'s true. When you're around normal, calm probably feel like a fish outta water. But, those people are the normal ones, not your mom and the narcs. I'd say, what you need to work on is...understanding that about yourself, and trying hard to create a new normal. The SECOND people mistreat you (I mean truly mistreat you...use you, name call you, screw you over, etc...not the occasional bad day everyone can have) you end the friendship/relationship. Whatever-ship. You can do this, but it takes hard work, prayers, and loving yourself enough to do it. As far as your mom goes...distance yourself. She's your mom, but in the Bible, Christ speaks about fathers not making it 'difficult' for their kids to love them, basically. Honor your mother and father, doesn't extend to being treated like shit, because you're her son. Truly, it doesn't mean that. No one deserves abuse. You don't. I don't. No one does. Start today, to create a new normal for yourself. Distance yourself from your mom. When she calls, don't rush to call back. When she starts up on the phone, politely say...I have to go. You may want to write her a letter explaining your feelings. I did this recently with a family member responsible for allowing the abuse to go on when I was a kid, and it was very freeing. But, we are no longer speaking, so know. Your mom may give you the silent treatment. I will be praying for can do this!! stay strong!
Jun 6 - 8AM
jackguy's picture


Hi Ron, I have experience with a female narcissist. I think the approach for dealing with both male & female ns is largely the same. In my experience the more you can undo the psychological influence of the narcissist on your own mind the better. I have found that the narcissist really lives on inside us until we get psychically unbound from them through reading about narcissism, counselling, discussing incidents with people who understand and look closely to understand the dynamics the better. It sounds like you're doing that already. All the best, Jackguy
Jun 6 - 6AM
Hunter's picture


Welcome, Your lucy this is mom and not someone became romantically involved with. My mom is crazy, she only causes pain, I not sure what her diagnosis is but, Im 43 years old and it taken me this long to deal with her. All you can do is live your live and leave her to live hers. She is not your problem. Keep a distance and live a happy life. Don't let her influence you, you are an adult to make you own decisions. If you let her drive you nuts she will. Hunter
Jun 6 - 6AM
michele115 (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


Welcome! are right, for the most part this is the "broken hearts" club for Narc Victim Abuse BUT...this party of one here *although I think I have a ton more company* also believes in some cases some of the challenges we are in are due to issues in childhood with parents that had one type of dysfunction or another...AGAIN NOT SAYING EVERYONE...don't throw the tomatoes yet... Anyway Ron, this is a safe place, a healthy place, a great place filled with people that have lots and lots of EMPATHY...a totally foreign word to me before I entered these doors - of course I was full of empathy...I just felt like the oddball out amongst my peers...LOL SO, I very much can relate to your plight and althoug a bit tongue in cheek remain confident that the members here would be more than willing to invite you on the journey - no matter how you slice it, a NARC is a NARC whether it's your lover or your welcome aboard! Hugs!