Blaze's Story

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#1 Jul 3 - 9PM
SBlaze86's picture

Blaze's Story

The first time I met my former partner, he was quite impressive. He was a United States Marine, had been his high school's homecoming King; was a young activist and a bit of a trailblazer in advocating for racial integration at his own high school prom. He then went on to attend college on an athletic scholarship after serving as captain of his baseball team. He was used to being the best and a leader and seemed exceptionally humble about all of it.

When we met, he was stationed in Japan and called me everyday, then ultimately requested to be stationed stateside so he could visit me more often. He got along great with my family and was so helpful and attentive. He'd show up and rake my mother's yard while she was off at work. I'd send him out for groceries, he'd come back with them in addition to a single stem rose.
Yet when we grew closer and became more intimate, I noticed certain unsettling things about him that should have made me reconsider.

History with the Exes

He didn't have ONE nice thing to say about ANY of them, ...except for the one who had a 'great body'.
They had all told him to ‘f*ck off’ according to him.

Almost Surreal Lack of Empathy/Compassion

He once told me a fellow USMC recruit verbalized suicidal thoughts and his sincere reply as the squad leader was: 'I wish you'd hurry up and do it already!'

(Mind you, he'd already been psychiatrically hospitalized as an adolescent for his own suicide attempt unbeknownst to the MEPS of course.)

He relentlessly criticized his bunkmate in Iraq for 'popping pills like crazy' to cope with anxiety while on deployment.
(Mind you, his bunkmate’s MOS entailed literally being on the front lines, whereas his did not.)

His whole attitude regarding mental health and mortality just seemed appallingly judgmental, crude even hypocritical; and incredibly shortsighted.
I knew that these attitudes were largely held within the military because of how great the stigma attached to mental health issues is, but you have to understand, these barbaric attitudes contradicted those of the man presented to me.

It was so shocking, because I had always considered him to be a more understanding person...and he 'was', until he perceived you as crossing him or being weak.
Among other lovely discoveries, lied the silent treatments I’d earn at the slightest provocation.

My initial thought was ‘how childish, grow up already’, but instead I tried using tactics of persuasion hoping to avoid an argument…only for things to grow progressively worse.
It got to the point where anytime he sensed I had a desire to confide in him about my feelings about our relationship or really anything at all that wasn’t pleasing to him, he would give me this menacing glare and backhandedly threaten to break-up with me by claiming that my intent to discuss these issues somehow insinuated my desire to end the relationship.

Talk about baffling and nonsensical.

So, I thought, maybe I am being overly sensitive. Maybe I just need to sit on my hands about these things, because after all, he loves me and that’s all that really matters.

It shouldn’t bother me that I went out of my way trying to make all holidays especially memorable for him, while he showed up empty handed on my Birthday and Valentine’s Day after we’d already discussed exchanging gifts beforehand.

The fact that he finds our sex life gratifying and great while I’m left pining is really a minute detail.

I really shouldn’t take it to heart that after four or five months apart he approaches the door with all the enthusiasm of a hundred year old corpse while I’m excitedly toppling over myself welcoming him into a freshly cleaned and stocked household, with a hot homemade meal on the table after spending half the day at the hair and nail salons and the other half running errands, trying to make his homecoming as comfortable as possible.

The fact that I am expected to be an unfailingly supportive cheerleader for all of his professional and personal pursuits and accomplishments while he barely even acknowledges what I do for a living (let alone recognize my achievements or contributions), is a fact with which I should happily live.

My suggesting an acknowledgment of wrongdoing on both our parts as an attempt at reconciliation after a disagreement is complete lunacy…because there was no argument and nothing occurred which would merit admission of any wrongdoing and certainly nothing went on that would warrant an apology!

And if there actually was an argument, naturally I should assume all responsibility and fix it immediately.
These are not real concerns at all. The facts that my needs aren’t being met and I feel unappreciated are complete and utter figments of my ridiculously insane, wild imagination.

So I sat on my hands…kept quiet.

After all, he was in the military and couldn’t afford to be troubled by my needs.

I justified his behavior in my mind, trying to convince myself that his needs, his desires were more immediate and of greater value than mine largely because he wore a uniform and presumably had ‘bigger fish to fry’.

I didn’t want to be a burden. It wasn’t my place to nag. It was my place to support…not be supported.
This used to be my thinking. This was how far out of reality I had allowed his manipulation to take me.

Needless to say I had eventually fallen into a severe, deep depression. I was haunted with thoughts such as ‘Why am I not good enough? I’m overcompensating and I’m still not enough. He’s not reciprocating. He’s not even trying. Why am I not lovable? What is wrong with me? I must not be doing enough to earn his love.’

What I didn’t know then was that, though those of us who are romantically involved with service members indeed must be stronger, more resilient, and willing to sacrifice more than what’s usually required; and accept the fact that our loved one’s occupational duties will often take priority, it doesn’t mean that our needs as partners aren’t valuable and worthy of being acknowledged and even sometimes met.
It doesn’t mean that our identities as individuals should be disregarded.

It doesn’t mean our partner is exempt from showing us the gratitude and respect we’re worthy of.

It doesn’t mean that those of us back home are ‘rightfully’ made to shoulder the burdens of the relationship as well as our own, on our own, at all times.

A true partnership is symbiotic.

Reciprocity and humility lie within a true partnership.

It really hurt me when I discovered my partner truly resented me for having any opinions, thoughts or feelings of my own. I thought I had a partner in the actual sense of the word…I thought I was with someone who had my back…Someone who didn’t look at me with judging eyes, but truly desired to listen with an open mind and even offer encouraging words when they were needed.

This was not the case at all.

After months of bending over backwards, repressing my thoughts, my feelings and hiding the pain I was in and feeling like I ‘owed’ it to him to be a good, supportive partner and ‘behave’ exceptionally well, I was ‘thanked’ with hostile resentment, an immense guilt trip and left me with the most intense psychological pain I’ve ever experienced.

My former ‘partner’, who whenever I tried to confide in about any substantive matter responded to me in annoyance and essentially shoo-ed me away, who somehow could never spare me a compliment but delighted in all praise lavished upon him; who said he loved me all the time, but somehow forgot to send my Birthday present and never quite managed to take me out once in a while or plan anything special for me as a show of appreciation or heaven forbid an act of reciprocity;…my partner, who seemed hopelessly affectionate in public but was virtually physically absent behind closed doors, who denied reality in favor of his own alternate universe where he was truly a gift to me and deserving of all my attention and resources….was and undoubtedly is a Narcissist and therefore rendered psychologically incapable of entering and maintaining a mature, adult, loving and nurturing relationship.

I felt like a fool.

How could I blatantly resist my protective instincts in the name of saving a non –relationship?

How much could I have really loved myself if I allowed him to convince me that all of that was acceptable?

I watched my own mother sacrifice herself in the name of pleasing my step-father only for him to further disrespect and resent her and ultimately abandon her. ..

How could I so obviously become a product of my own environment?

These were the questions that lingered on in my mind for months before I came across the term narcissism and learned what I needed to effectively do to take the steps necessary to remove and prevent myself from getting into potentially toxic non-relationships…and I’m still learning.

I am determined to protect myself, my heart, my mind and spirit and even more so not to be victimized and certainly not to ever victimize.

Thank you for those of you who made it through my seemingly endless diatribe, lol.

I just needed to share and perhaps alleviate some of the guilt on the shoulders of some of the other significant others out there fighting themselves to be reliable for someone they can’t honestly depend on, in the name of remaining loyal and not letting down a service person.

For months, my role in this situation weighed heavily on my heart as a result of my former partner and I parting during his deployment and although parting ways was truly best, the timing made the decision enormously challenging to cope with. There was no family, no friends…no support system in place, just my instincts and what was left of my then shattered heart.

Again, thank all of you for allowing me to share and welcoming me to your site. I’m truly grateful outlets such as this exist.

Jul 7 - 9PM
grossot's picture


Beautifully written. ".... these barbaric attitudes contradicted those of the man presented to me." Exactly. Their methods are covert and frankly.... Scary. Thank you for sharing! nolongercontrolled
Jul 7 - 9PM
Leah2's picture

Oh, and he also...

...only wanted to be kissed passionately in public. And stopped showing any interest in sex after 3 months...which means that for 4 years and 9 months, I initiated everything. If I wore gorgeous underwear, he would just say that bodies looked better naked and tell me to take it off myself (not in any sensual way; just to take it off and get rid of it!)?????????? Sorry, maybe that is too much detail. But I am actually a pretty hot gal....! Like you all are too!
Jul 7 - 9PM
Leah2's picture

This is an important story

This is an important story and, like others have already said, resonated so much with me. The "instant connection" with your family; doing sweet things for them at the start. Saying horrible things about people who he shared traumatic experiences with in Iraq!!! Then forgetting your birthday present over time--never planning anything nice That was my husband to a T. My first birthday together, he lavished me with a few antique gifts but, interestingly, bought HIMSELF the same things!!! He did the same the first Christmas--bought US matching paintings!! Then, for the next four years, he forgot to buy me take me to dinner. Him being in the military is not an excuse. And you are lucky and brave to have left.
Jul 7 - 5PM
Goldie's picture

The myth of the professional

Hi Blaze, Thank you for sharing your story, I could relate to a great deal of it. We grow up to believe in valor, glory, patriotism ect.. and as we have all learned priests are NOT holier than thou. Politicians, well we won't even go there. Men in the military are our "hero's" or don't we wish they all were. Looks are deceiving and as you enter the relm of truly beginning to understand the narc it is mind boggling. The biggest thing I hear you express is the feeling of inadaquacy due to this man's judgement of you and blantent lack of compassion. My N was not particularly sophisticated yet he did and said many of the things you describe and the biggest hurdle for me has been to understand: That this is not your fault, this is not a lacking in you that makes them do and say the things they do. They will go to their graves, blaming others no matter what the truth. THIS IS A LACKING IN THIS MAN THAT CAUSES HIM TO TREAT YOU LIKE YOU ARE NOT SPECIAL AND IMPORTANT, NOT A LACKING IN YOU. You are special, you are important, and you deserve to be with a man who can see that and who will respond accordingly, not a man who makes you feel bad about yourself. I can so relate to the sex thing, OMG, my N thought we had a fantastic sex life, even though I was getting very little out of the deal and the presents, man oh man. I paid his fines to the tune of 1,200.00 for this man right before xmas and my present was: ta da drum roll please: he bought himself a RC gas powered remote control car. Birthday: He went to visit his ex gf, cuz I got an attitude that he planned nothing for my birthday. Valentine's Day was the tulip plant for 2.99 because he wanted to get me something different than all the other guys. I said, do you mean long stemmed roses and he said yes. I said, no you wanted to buy me the cheapest thing you could find in the store. Oh dear, welcome to the site and you are in good company here. Just keep sharing and it does get better. I have had no contact with mine for 2 months and I am beginning to clear up and get MY life back on track. God Bless, Goldie
Jul 6 - 12AM
Steph's picture

Thank you for sharing your

Thank you for sharing your story:) Your story is very well written and describes so well what it is like to be with a N. "The fact that I am expected to be an unfailingly supportive cheerleader for all of his professional and personal pursuits and accomplishments while he barely even acknowledges what I do for a living (let alone recognize my achievements or contributions), is a fact with which I should happily live. " Wow. that really resonated with me. That and their lack of empathy towards crisis in your life. I am sorry you went through this. Sounds like you have a good grasp on things and are heading in the right direction to recover. Thanks again and welcome:) xoxo
Jul 4 - 9AM
Introspection's picture

Welcome to the family sweetheart...

It is always rewarding to read a story where the author escaped a relationship stronger and wiser, much the way you come across in your story. You appear to have a good handle on the situation and although I know you are hurting, you are defineatly on your way to healing. As it turns out, there are a lot of mental disorders that many of us who were blissfully ignorant about only to become "aware of" through someone who touched our heart...not a good way to "learn" about it but that was the hand we were delt. It is those of us that understood that getting away to regain our life was the best and only option that were lucky enough to have survived the ordeal. There are many victims that did not...we (the survivors) should celebrate life and enjoy that we are abused no more. You should also sweetheart. None of what happened to you was your fault! You should now go NC and do not let him know your contact information so that you will never be bothered again. You will need to "control your thoughts." What this means is that you should never allow yourself to have thoughts of "missing" him or thougts of the "what if." Your statement that you "watched my own mother sacrifice herself in the name of pleasing my step-father only for him to further disrespect and resent her and ultimately abandon her" is one that you should keep in mind if you ever grow weak to think of allowing him back into your life. He will abuse then leave you! Take care of yourself now, eat well and remain active. The daylight and sunlight are an excellent source of energy, they will lift your spirits. Welcome to the family sweetheart and do continue to keep us posted on your progress.